Stratholme in Dragonflight not working

Hello ive been trying to get into Stratholme dead side for a couple of days now (yes i still havent gotten my mount after all these years farming)

But for some reason when i enter service entrance i just get teleported to living side, am i doin something wrong or is it just bugged?

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See answer in thread below - Stratholme Service entrance

Basically it’s bugged and you need to report it as a bug ingame as explained in that thread as the more reports there are, the better. It’s also been reported in the US bug forum so it’s happening everywhere. Good luck with the mount … it took me many hundred attempts.

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When you go into the instance and then turn right to the festival lane, the big gate is open. Leading to the service entrance side. Where you can then finish from there normally. Blizz seems to have merched the two without telling anyone, which is why it ports you to the other entrance. good luck!

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The opening of the gate was listed in yesterdays hotfixes - so it may just be a workaround to make Rivendare accessible again.

Either way I can get back to farming the mount so all is good again!

Good luck!

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Just put your difficulty on heroic then enter the eastwall gate entrance, looks like on normal you get Balnazzar as last boss and on heroic you get rivendare last boss dungeon.

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