Streamers Impact On Wow

no its not about agreeing or disagreeing you just have this idea that blizzard devs are some unleashed gods for what ever elitism reasons you have , and you think that they cant possibly be that stupid to make a mistake like this , While in reality they have mistakes likes this not even once or twice in the past but Multiple times ! MULTIPLE TIMES !

thats my problem , you just cant see pass that , look at the recent expansion SL how disliked it was , how some very ugly news came out of blizzards sexual situation . and yet you still think they cant be that naive . like i said you believe anything that was given to you by a higher power . BY PASSIVE !

they banned an entire guild back in WOTLK just base of that theory crafting you just did . the guild name was Ensidia .

I have no elitist reason to do anything. In that regard, feel free to look at my post history, for example when I was flamed by some M+ players when I suggested that giving away more gear was not the end of the world.

Well, they are in charge of the developpment of the game, are they not? I thought you believed that they could be swayed by just one dude, but now they are some kind of gods that are doing whatever ?

I’ve never said that their decisions have been perfect. Actually, far from it. But you seem to ignore most of my posts anyways, for example when I clearly stated that that “nerf” might not be the best move.

I’m sure you’re perfect at everything you ever you in your professional life.

And again, they banned most top guilds during the race for Dragon Soul because they were abusing LFR.

Your point being ? That Blizzard is taking actions they deemed necessary? Well, DUH!

We should be glad they seem quick to respond to ingame issues (some of them at least, although MAYBE not perfectly). Do we want another expansion in which X spec is unplayable because they will never be looked at ?

Blizzard does nothing - complains
Blizzard does something - complains

Maybe you should apply to a position there and teach them how to do stuff.

honestly im a lot more ok with them not doing anything . if they stop everything their doing right now and not make a single more change to the game i would be jumping up , cause they just dont know wtf to do . like every time … literally every time they make a change it makes things worse than better … forced group loot is one of the many hundred mistakes they make on a regular monthly basis .

I agree that it was a bad move. But I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t be OK with them not doing anything if you played, let’s say, brewmaster monk or survival hunter or frost dk. Prot war has been ignored most of SL, now it’s one of the best tank. Do you count that as a failed action on their part ?

Nah, you’re too reasoned for that. You wouldn’t take into account only the decisions that you don’t agree with and make generalizations based on that.

You’re just mad they tried to take away your toy haha.

Joking aside, you seem like you need to take a break or something. It’s OK to enjoy being OP. But it’s also OK when Blizzard tries to balance it (didn’t say succeed, only tried).

max plays enhance/ww after weeks of the general concesus from the community being that they are very overtuned and they get nerfed, its barely a reaction to what happened on max stream the nerfs were already coming, it being after max’s stream was a coincidence. same for most of this kinda stuff,

people have been talking about tanks being overly survivable through alpha/beta. its been a fairly common opinion from what i have perosnally seen through different channels. same for the MW tier set, there has been a lot of people talking about how powerful it had been, there are certain names that maybe give it more traction which might lead to changes being made faster, but the changes were neccesary already.

there are certain changes they could really do with making that come from people like kalamazi, but they are also just general opinions within the community as a whole, the idea of changing nether portal for demo lock to summone demons based on how many shards you have spent is something that has been thrown around for like 4-5 years now since the spell existed and it hasnt been listened to at all, and then some more familiar names like kalamzi jump on the band wagon and give it some more traction, doesnt mean its them getting the changes made,

It depends on how you see the whole issue. For me, streamers are just pointing out problems that absolutely everyone sees and many if not most people agree with them. They also suggest cool changes. And it’s true,I watch a lot of streamers when it comes to WoW and many times they have been able to get me away from WoW and into other games. Just because they were right.
I often learn a lot of interesting things because of them and I often feel that I’m not playing the game alone.


Did you do m+ on the beta as a healer? It was a nightmare in some of the dungeons at 15-17 keys with fortified and thundering being the only affixes if your tank wasn’t a prot warrior or vengeance DH, blood DKs were being blood DKs. Tanks are definitely not going to be running around being immortal in m+ once you get closer to the max reward treshold, with the exception of prot warrior but they’re an outlier. Prot paladins even got aaegis of light buffed, from 15% additional armor to 30% recently and from 45% more stamina to 50%. They were very spiky on the beta, I didn’t even dare trying temple with a paladin tank because I thought it would be almost impossible to get past Liu Flameheart with one given what I had seen and what I read.

But bear/prot pally jfc Im sorry but its an entirely different fight. They not only require super heals during the rest of the dungeon (where bdk, pwar, and vdh dont) but bear especially just doesn’t have a kit for this boss. Even when our 2800 io in s4 bear (he played bdk for r1 but 2800 on bear alt is actually high for them since he was front page) swapped to a talent build solely designed to survive this fight it was a nightmare on 15 fort whereas we didnt even realize this mechanic existed until 20 tyr on his prot war (and beta is the first time hes ever played prot war…)

This was before bears were buffed though.

Let’s see if classes are really that overpowered. I got the feeling this season will be more balanced then shadowlands. Right now it’s just guessing. Wait for some warcraft logs statistics

I did not, I don’t play healer at all. I’ve tried it briefly a few times but I hate it. I feel so detached from the fight.

Anyhow, you’re unfortunately going to be wrong on this point because we have a huge imbalance, and what happens then is that the strongest classes are taken as that allows you to push up far easier. So the meta won’t be broken by the weak classes - the weak classes will simply not be played at all at keystone levels they cannot compete in.

The classes you mention, and that does sound accurate to me, are precisely the tanks that everybody is going on about. Warriors, DH’s, and DK’s. Warriors have now simply been buffed to be as much of a meme as the other two while the other tanks have been left in the dirt. They were already in the dirt of course, but they still are.

That’s also what the guy in the reddit thread says - the mechanics of the fight are practically removed with the OP tanks.

The question must be asked: Is it right for tanks to be like Warriors, DH’s, and DK’s? Or is it right for tanks to be like Monks, Druids, and Paladins? I would argue the latter because, like I said, once tanks come with a built-in personal pocket healer it completely wrecks the game for the other roles. What was happening with DK’s last expansion was ridiculous, the meta was completely stale, and the fact that they’ve now made 3 tanks like that is going to make it even worse even if the balance is better.

Tanks cannot be like this. Tanks have the role of positioning enemies, controlling, and soaking damage, and of course they have some damage and healing of their own - but if they start being full-on healers and damage dealers in addition to their main role then they just replace them. I mean quite honestly, can anyone see a good reason not to show up to MDI with 5 prot warriors?

But they’re nerfing monks, druids and paladins as well, lmao. Brewmasters were already glass, there’s no shot I’ll ever play with a brewmaster if I have a choice after they nerf them.

Well my stance is they all need a nerf, but I also said

So yeah - they’re not getting it quite right in my opinion, but tanks should be nerfed regardless. I want that particular nerf that we got, and then i want a whole lot more aimed precisely at the self-healing of those 3 meme-lords.

Healing brewmasters right now is a nightmare and that’s prenerf. I’ll not ever want to play with a brewmaster tank after they’re nerfed. They have pretty much no self-sustain yet their HP is as spiky as DKs, it’s no longer a smooth damage intake.

Maybe I just played with really bad brewmasters but they seem to be a complete nightmare to heal now compared to any other point in WoW.

It’s because you’re comparing them to stuff that’s meme-level overpowered.

It’s like calling yourself poor because you’re not Elon Musk.

Right now all your comment means is that nobody will play them, but that’s not because they are bad for the game in their current state, it’s because they’re bad at the game in comparison to DK’s, which are in a state that is bad for the game but is good at the game.

Understand where I’m going?

But they’ve never been this hard to heal at any other point in WoW if we just compare to the state of them in other expansion launches.

I guess there’s a chance that I’ve played with bad brewmasters but it seems others are sharing my opinion that they’re really bad as well.

Maybe, maybe not. I don’t tank on them and I don’t heal them, so I can’t say. I can certainly tell when the tanking is bad but I know no further than that.

What I do know is that tanks, as a whole, are literal gods compared to the other roles, with those 3 being somehow even crazier than the others.

Indeed. Tanks didnt need a healer.

activis doesn’t know anything about their own game so they just go by what streamers say imo and what most ppl complain about

Check the comments of that rextroy video:

That response pretty much describes how it feels to heal brewmasters.

That’s how it should be.

DK is not how it should be. Another comment on that video by Rextroy remarks that what’s breaking everything is Death Strike, and I agree. It’s most noticeable on a tank spec because it compounds the value of the healing massively, but it’s still Death Strike.

It should be that you hope the tank loses aggro because it’ll be easier to heal the dps? :joy:

I’ve never seen a tank in such a bad state as brewmasters currently are, from a healer point of view.