Streamers Impact On Wow

No, and that’s an exaggeration anyway. If the boss goes for anything except, apparently, an UH DK, that DPS will be killed.

The way it should be is that you don’t have infinite self-sustain. And quite frankly I’m a bit sick of you trying to defend the ridiculous state of warrior, DK, and DH by pointing out monks as if it’s in any way relevant. You’re just mad they nerfed the wrong mechanic, but I already agreed with that, so I don’t even know what you’re going on about at this point. You’re just arguing for the sake of it.

Calling tanks “gods” is an exaggeration if you’ve ever healed.

They JUST buffed prot paladins because they were too weak:

  • Paladin
  • Protection
    • [With weekly restarts] Aegis of Light now grants 50% increased Stamina (was 45%) and 30% increased Armor (was 15%).

And now they’re nerfing them right after they buffed them because they were too weak. They increased their physical damage mitigation by increasing the armor gain from aegis of light and now they’re nerfing their damage mitigation.

It doesn’t make sense to have recently buffed them because they’re too weak and then slapping them with a nerf the following week. They should just target warriors, DHs and blood DKs specifically rather than slapping a nerf on to all tanks.

We’ll likely see a lot of tanks being destroyed once the season starts as it’s starting with raging fortified.

You refuse to think this isn’t possible. Asmongold for example is one of biggest streamers on twitch. The youtube videos of him are in WoW related content feeds for anything WoW.

It’s not total stupid thinking to think Blizzard would at least bother to make sure their product isn’t left looking half-baked by someone who influences others (mainly young, but customers) about what he thinks and sees. Where otherwise usually someone’s criticism of WoW goes cold on the forums, people like asmongold can hold negative narrative, usually in the form of ‘memes’ or him as a person bringing it up again and again when it suits him, thus reigniting the ridicule for many others to share again and again. This kind of togetherness falls short on the forums unless it is an obvious common critical error by Blizzard - because you’ll have people given the chance to debate it, but as a lone ‘loved’ individual like asmon or others, they have the privilege of having their circumstances or opinion taken onboard quite strongly.

A person on their own may hold negative views personally for more subtle reasons that for many strangers at best will amuse for a short while. When you have ‘fame’, his viewers and the bandwagon effect can kick up a much stronger sharing of the streamer’s, a person nonetheless, opinion or circumstances. Which could easily force the hand of PR type people in Blizzard or devs to not let this strongly now shared view hold momentum.

So, “Therfore conspiracy or bliz naive or something? Ok.” is simply an ignorant statement.

Well I’ve tanked though. For 4 years, 2 of them raiding mythic as a Guardian Druid. And yes, I did feel like a god most of that time despite the fact that Guardian Druids were considered weak in PvE most of that time.

Running around picking up 15 mobs, knocking them around, AoE CC’ing them again and again and again, cooldowns I can rotate to survive for 2 minutes with no healing against massive amounts of mobs, and a rotation with effectively 3 buttons.

The hardest part in playing that thing was to avoid getting repetitive motion injuries from the rotation (it’s exceedingly spammy) and making sure everybody else wasn’t dying to casts and other interruptable nonsense. Actually pulling them and putting them somewhere, keeping aggro and tanking them was extremely easy, which is why I could also manage to be a raid leader whilst doing all that despite honestly not being a terribly awesome player.

What I continue to suspect you’re doing is comparing good to godmode and therefore concluding that good is bad and godmode is fine. Quite honestly, if they were to make the remaining 3 tanks anything anywhere near like the 3 godmode ones the game would be absolutely fundamentally broken. The only way forward is to get things back into line.

It’s the same thing with healers in arena. Their mana regeneration and healing is so strong the game literally can’t end unless there’s a debuff that gradually nerfs them or massive amounts of unavoidable long-duration CC or absolutely colossal 1-shot capable cooldowns. Blizzard went with all three just to be safe. I mean what on Earth is even going on anymore?

Just you wait until wednesday.

A lot of tanks are going to get destroyed as they go higher in m+.

It’s not even a good nerf to tanks. Literally a blanket 10% nerf to damage reduction from talents.

A 10% mitigation nerf won’t mean crap to a Protection Warrior, which has spell reflect, unlimited rage in multi-target situations, 10% passive leech, an additional 15% leech included in Ignore Pain, a 30% max HP heal on a 25 sec cooldown that no longer requires major sacrifices in player power to take, additional self-healing in Indomitable, the best physical damage mitigation in the game via critical blocking, and a defensive CD which lets them block spells for 20 seconds.

Classes like Guardian Druid which are very rage starved and play like a Fisher Price™ My First Tank will suffer hard from a 10% blanket nerf.

Asmongold’s Neltharus-soloing stint if anything shows how busted Protection Warriors are, and I’ve definitely seen that as a healer. Their health bars barely move at all and almost all of your healing is spent on keeping allies alive.

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If you think they nerfed anything based on what a streamer did, in a day, you are nuts lmao.

Blizzard has access to all the data possible, for every single aspect of the game.
Do you really think that they aren’t using that data, opting to make these decisions using “info” from watching a stream?!


if you dont know anything about tanks and you never tanked or heal in your life before , then you should probably keep your nose clean , rather than pumping out in forums babbling expert opinion about stuff you dont know anything about .

i looked into your jacket your clearly a casual 18-20 andy at best and your giving very expert opinion about a role you never played in a content you never even breached the top 20 % .

you dont hope on twitter and give Elon musk business opinion as a regular employee , just a peace of mind .

Its gonna say 3 days, thats because the post got edited. However if u read rhe comments, you will see this post is 10 days old.

You have to remember, forums has been screechijg about tanks going too fast in dungeons for a while, nerfing them slows that down.

Also considering most stuff takes a day or 2 longer to post here it prolly came out on NA earlier.

the post mentions nothing about tank nerfs or incoming changes about tanks all the way down till like 5 hours ago , nice try .

I have. I’m just not tanking right now. I probably have more tanking experience than most people in this thread, being two years of mythic raiding tanking experience and more than 4 years total, not exactly sure how much.

But I don’t really see how that matters anyway. It’sa distraction from the issue: is this level of tank self-sustain good for the game? That’s what matters.

In Halls Of Infusion M0 I was 359 (yes 359 ilvl) BDK. Khajin the Unyielding Boss (the one you need to hide behind ice blocks) the entire group (friends of mine) died at 93% of the boss. I soloed the boss up until 18% then I ressed a DPS just because I was feeling bored.
Same I did for Magmatus the Mammoth Boss in Neltharion. I soloed the last 25% of the boss. First time I was soloing the last 50% but I died because the boss kept doing damage at the distance and I can’t heal myself if I don’t hit it…
… So yeah, I understand the need to nerf tanks, but why do I need a healer if he/she is dead anyway?
Buff the healer health or the healing spells, then nerf the tanks…

Well heres a video of someone commenting on em 2 days ago lol.

So clearly dropped longer then 5 hours ago.

Regardless to which, when u know forums have been screeching about dungeons being too easy due to tanks speedrunning them hard i find it weird ur contributing the nerfs because asmongold solo’d some packs of mobs in a dungeon.

Tanks have been soloing things for ages, including BFA and SL.

The dungeons were clearly overnerf3d when coming to live and in such tanks need tuning down to prevent us overpowering the dungeons in m+. I doubt they want a repeat of emerald nightmare in legion

dude this is another bait , can you stop please ? the asmongold thing happened like 7 days ago this videos from 2 days ago , please just stop stop stop … for love of god

your just constantly post baiting stuff to prove that the nerf happened before , idk why whats your point exactly …

Well given how silly the OP is i pressumrd the entire thread was for baiting rly.

I mean the concept of a huge set of nerfs based on asmongold is pretty dumb.

No, going of the same evidence as you, it wasn’t because of asmon, my friend did it aswell, and i say that’s why they got nerfed.

Like you, and OP, i don’t need to show evidence of my claim, so therfor the reason tanks got nerfed is because my friend could solo packs.

No, you just look at things and try and fit them to your preconceived conclusion :slight_smile:

As i said before, using your method, it’s clear that it got nerfed because my friend could solo packs.

I’m sad to say, using OP’s method of determining what is the cause for the nerf, i am afraid we have to dismiss what you said because i did not personally see it, therefor it could not be a reason :frowning:

In the future, if you want to provide evidence for anything, i would recommend to start streaming.
That way you also get credit for things you had nothing to do with.

you first link a post thats completely false statement and does not match the timings that you mentioned earlier , then you post a video of some random youtube guy thats reacting to these nerfs about 3 days ago while the real asmongold thing took place 6 or 7 days ago ( depend on where you live ) and now your talking about the concept of the OP , gimmme a f ing break please .

Because, if you.go into dev tracker the post stated its first. So i didnt reliese it was 5 hours before.

Dev tracker just displayed badly. So when u press it, it comes up with the post being 10 days old.

If ur gonna make troll threads expect troll responses lmfao

Heres a hint. They dont need streams to see ingame they recieve the data, coincedence at best.

oh dont worry , i expect nothing more here , after all im not dealing with a bunch of people who know what their talking about anyway . just having some fun exploring the wow community and their agendas .

to be honest , i heard a lot about wow forums and how absurd some people are but i never imagined the real experience would be this ridiculous , i mean take you for example and this whole timing thing that you brought up to prove asmon did it after the nerf which was wrong from the start to the end . Hilarious

As i stated if u click the dev tracker, it puts the post as 10 days old it doesnt seem to include the fact it was added on later.

You wrote this.

“Next day it gets nerfed” on a 2 day old post.

It missleads. As you make it sound like this happened 3 days ago, not 7 days between.

Your post would easily confuse a non native english speaker. Because ur timestamps dont imply what uve later on said.

Hence why i linked u a 3 day old video lol.