Streaming - tips and tricks?

Hmm I’m not that much into steaming platforms but I’d reckon :-

  1. Pick a popular game that will live for long
  2. Make sure you actually like the game and can go on playing it for a long time
  3. Have fun in what you do, be genuine and connect with followers
  4. Be consistent, stick to a schedule and never off it
  5. Never rely on streaming as a job until it can actually sustain you and even then have a plan B if things get messed
  6. Have patience, it’s super rare and hard that someone blows up in popularity at the start
  7. YouTube videos, yes they blow up and can net you followers in masse, try to get yourself featured in youtube videos a lot, be it by big channels showing compilations or top 10s or whatever, kinda like Overwatch funny moments, etc.
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