Streaming - tips and tricks?

Hey all you lovely people!

I have considered streaming, but have absolutely no idea what to do - I’ve set my stuff up, so it’s all ready to go, but before I start streaming, I was wondering if anyone here have tips, tricks, dos and don’t dos.

You don’t have to be a streamer to give your 2 cents, I’d just love to hear what you all think is a good stream and what isn’t. What makes a good stream good? What makes a bad stream bad? What would it take for you to watch a stream?

I hope you all have a wonderful day/evening/time! :smiley:

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To start a stream you need to be able to speak about anything and whole time. If you do not speak the stream is boring. Therefore if you can speak for hours about every stuff then you should have no problem :slight_smile: If you can’t speak whole time then after a couple of streams or years of practise you will be able to speak :slight_smile:


You don’t need to speak nonstop if the content is interesting but you can’t be quiet all the time either. Interact with your chat when you can, these people are more likely to tune in to your next stream. Honestly just be yourself and dont try to be different just bc youre streaming, just try to have fun :slight_smile:


This is old but still relevant

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A little bit of harsh reality here: streaming is a long grind, you’ll probably stream the first 1-2 years to almost nobody. Keeping up a consistent schedule and building a base of fans overtime is really important. Thus, speaking even to yourself is a very important skill, as when you have 0 viewers you don’t have anyone else to talk to, but if a new viewer joins your stream for a minute or so and you’re silent for the whole time, they’re not going to stay.

By the way, this is coming from someone who has streamed for a relatively large time. Never seriously, but I was consistent at some point, and I did manage to even build a very small community. I stopped due to running out of motivation to do it, but if you can keep it up for 1-2 years and you’re not the most boring person ever, maybe you’ll have a chance to make something out of it. Just be sure that you stream for fun and not for money, as I know that there have been people who sacrificed everything to make it as a big streamer and ended up with nothing in the end. Don’t make it a job until it can pay for itself.

Well, I guess it’s fine either way if you don’t mind the stream being quiet when you start out, and are doing it just as a hobby. It can really be fun, I’m just warning you not to start taking it too seriously at the start :slight_smile:


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whats important to me is - dont suck. i mean this in the kindest way possible. :grin:

be good at what you re doing. i dont want to watch an average joe playing away because that gets boring in the long run very, very fast.

if i want to see someone sucking at pvp, raids, m+ or world quests all day i could record/play myself.

i want to see people dominate and be good at in whatever content they re doing.

i guess specialising in one type of content, whatever it may be for you, doesnt hurt either.

the streamer also needs to visibly have fun and have a good, friendly attitude. so if you can maintain a happy personality for a couple of hours and are not prone to frustration then its all good.
i dont want to see people constantly rage or swear. a streamer needs to make content interesting in an unique way, even if not a lot is happening right now.

and very important - be consistent. doesnt matter if you re streaming every day, once a week, a month, every two months. nothing is more annoying to me than an inconsistant streamer.

at the very first you probably wont have a lot of viewers for a very, very long time so i hope you re aware of that because the scene is pretty much dominated by a couple of big streamers.

other than that, basically what other people have mentioned before. :smiley: good luck.

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You need a narcissistic personality, so that an audience attention reinforces your behavior.

Regular people quickly feel burn out.

Realize your most interesting personality quirks and play to their strength on stream. People remember streamers/youtubers for their specific quirks or manerisms. Like Pewdiepie with his bro fist, and almost girly way of saying his own username.

Talk a lot and be response as possible where you can and don’t delegate your reading and responding messages away entirely to a chat moderator.
I use to watch this Resident Evil Streamer. He didn’t have any chat mods, but did have a good few hundred watchers regularly. Soon as he got chat mods and stopped responding to messages, his viewer count bombed. It became a very distant un-engaging situation. Whereas before you felt involved in the stream.

Have some variety in what you stream. For example, take a look back at all the Minecraft streamers. When that game bombed in popularity they had nothing to fall back on and their streaming life ended.

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show cleavage


1 . Never promote your streams in group finder or on the forums, most people look at that as extremly cringy or just straight up desperate

2 . Always interact with your fans, if not you might aswell edited a youtube video

3 . Do something unique or something not many have done/are doing


You have three Options to make it as a Streamer.

Option 1 (the most lucrative one): You aquire a personality that obnoxious, you repel anyone over 10 years, yet be beloved by anyone under that age. Examples would be Pewdiepie or Asmongold

Option 2 (almost as lucrative, but riskier). You are a woman. The only thing you have to do is show a lot of Cleavage and/or wear Hot Pants. You need to make sure to put your Webcam over your head so anyone can see the goods. A good idea would also be to put a lot of Gamingthemed Plushies in your Vicinity and talk subtly about your Ladyparts. But call them cute names like “Spaceboobs” when you wear a Shirt with Stars on it.

Option 3 (the least lucrative): Be actually good at Gaming and dont develop any quirks. You will make far less money than Option 1 and 2 though.

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Dont start acting like you’re entitled to special treatment and avoid saying sh*t like “We did it boys!!”


As others have mentioned, please do not do the same thing as all the millions of other dead streamers.

You MUST provide content, and playing the game in silence is not content.
I have friends who spent a ton of money for streaming hardware, only to sit in a dark room, alone, in total silence, grinding levels in Path of Exile.

that’s not entertaining, and nobody will want to see that. Make stuff happen. Talk, be entertaining, host events. Engage people


You can double dib by uploading your streams to youtube. That way, even with nobody to talk to on stream, whatever you decide to say will still be relevant on youtube.


You gotta do it for the social aspect of it and just a fun hobby, have no expectations of making any real money from it.
You are competing with millions of other streamers and it will take a long time with a lot of dedication to even start building up a smaller community of followers.

Either be really good at a certain game/game genre or be a personality streamer that depends more on engaging with the viewers than skill in games.
The tricky part about being more of a entertaining streamer is that just because you think you are funny and charming as heck others might not agree and just find you dull :sweat_smile:

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As others have mentioned before me - Considering the saturated market of streamers, you need to approach it as a hobby, not a profession (at least for a while). You have to remember that the big streamers that make a lot of money of it for (seemingly) doing nothing special, have put hundreds and hundreds if not thousands of hours into building an audience and a reputation.

If you stream because you find it fun, your streams will very often reflect that and you might have better luck in getting viewers to come back to your stream another time.


I appreciate all the answers! I don’t know if I will stream, or when if it happens, and I would never do it as a profession - I’d do it for the fun and giggles!

What I’m hearing mostly seems to be:

  1. Be annoying AF so only kids like you.


  1. Be female and show skin.


  1. Be good.

While maintaining the ability to be fun, interesting yet not over the top. Keep focus on watchers, while being able to talk to yourself if there’s none.
I feel like I’m forgetting something. I probably am. I should try to boil everything here down into one post. That would have to eventually be a pretty neat guide on how to make it as a streamer.

Anyhow, I’ll read through everything again, and then I guess there’s just practice left, unless I get too scared - haha!

Give this a go to play around with:

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Thank you! :smiley: I will look into it! :slight_smile:

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