Strictly Balancing & Fix's POV

Hey Azeroth !

There is nothing to learn in a battle where a premade gank a PUG team in BGs

So !

Separate queues can be more efficient for the Devs to make balances and fixes in the game !

Devs can learn about → PUGs vs PUGs
Devs can learn about → Premades vs Premades

Win-Win for everybody !


No dual talents, no separated battlegrounds. Learn to be social,play in premade , face both pugs and another premades. Learn your class, become better player.

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You can be social with randoms in a bg.


Not all classes are allowed in premades (or very hard time finding one that will invite you)
And its so much fun doing solo and you meet another solo group😀
Other games does “ranked” and “unranked”. I see no reason why wow wouldnt so the same.

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Tell me honestly, are you one of those guys who keep mid fighing and dont care about objectives ?

I do the fighting when needed


i didn’t talked about this but, please, you meta-gangster premader, can explain to me why not add it?

Are you telling us that ~15millions players were not “social” because they had no social media and discord technology back in the days 2004-2010 ?

how do you know if i always play in premade or in solo-queues or not? I(we) talk about fair matches for each categories here
And you can’t force people to play in premades, are you a dictator?

It’s noble from you to want to make me be a perfect player, but this is not realistic (90% of playerbase not gonna “learn” to be “perfect” )


Only reason wsg is so popular cause players have empty gear slots that can be filled via rep gear.
In p2 in a week or two entire pvp scene will die out.
No much point to waste development resources to implement this. (while i consider separate queues a good idea)

Probably best to just report Lamborgimli’s posts as spam at this point.