Strongest wpvp/duel class 8.1

Basically topic title says it all. Which class do you think is the strongest right now for dueling/wpvp? Is it still the feral druid like it used to be?

Hell no.

Unholy DK, Lock, ret pala, rogue and WW are very strong 1v1.

In terms of versatility of dealing with the most of the classes - Feral and Unholy are at the top, I think.

Assa Rogue, DH and WW are a strong second.

Tanks and healers next,

then everyone else.

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Just to be clear, it’s not my opinion about ferals being strong 1v1, I don’t really have experience with them. I just read some posts of earlier months mentioning them. Also mentioning ret, but ret basically loses against most classes that can kite imo

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Yeah, that is true.
I can kite, and I don’t take rets seriously. Like for example when I meet Feral, Unholy, Assa, WW, DH, or Frost DK - they have all the counters to me and my kiting or other kiting classes/specs.

I will probably add DH to a second - they are insane when played properly - can’t stop them, can’t kite, lot’s of CC, self-heals and huge damage - simply able to counter or outdamage many classes.

They are strong 1v1, and stealth is a big bonus in Wpvp but get countered terribly by something like a windwalker that it is not even funny. So definitely not the strongest. You can still kite feral very well nowadays, especially as frost mage.

I can beat any class 1vs1 without much problem, ferals are easy. Biggest problem is ret cause of bubble and high burst

There you have it - Bigbicepsman is the strongest class in the game, if you want to beat any class in 1v1 you have to play it.

Ele shaman is top tier 1v1.

Only loses vs top unholy DKs.

Why does monk counter feral so much?

Feral is awesome! I just wish I was better at it hehe. Workin on it :slight_smile:

In my experience, Feral is a great 1v1 spec, a great choice for wpvp and duels. Strongest? Don’t know. But for sure it’s up there. Especially wpvp 1v1 when attack not expected ofc. Certain opponents, yes, can be very tough.

Feral is great for anti-kiting. And is also a great kiter. Can restealth a couple times. Nice stunning. Roots handy. Thorns massive damage or deterent. Self heals awesome, nice shield in survival instincts. Bleed em out tactics or burst damage them quick. My prob right now is, not knowing opponent specs well enough, mistakes, and over confidence lol. But I will attack any class, any ilvl, just to learn and have fun. Wins a lot, loses some, do better next time.

Disclaimer: My lack of skills and variable skill opponents can cloud my judgement.

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Better mobility and HoTs aren’t doing good against Monk’s one-shot setup.

Bear form?

Ofc Bear form helps, like always, it’s all about skill of individual players, and not like Feral has no chances to win. They are good.

Mechanically, Monks still got good damage, even outside of their one-shot, and better mobility.

It’s like - Monk has better tools to deal with Feral, than Feral with Monk. But it’s not a guaranteed, similar to Rogue vs Mage - there are still possibilities to outplay.

Who wins in a 1v1 feral vs ret? Can the feral kite?

If both equal in skill and ilvl I’ll bet on ret. Feral have some room for kiting, but he can’t prevent ret healing in this way. Ret also have pretty good ranged attacks. On top of that 5 sec stun with small CD (with talent -2 sec cd for every holy power - baseline talent for pvp in most cases) and much better burst.

I think on second or third stun feral will die or run away.

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