Struggling as Holy Paladin in Raid

This is the second week I am running Vault of the Incarnates as Holy Pala and last night I finally managed to clear it. My item level is 376 and I am running a standard caster build from Wowhead.

I really struggle in terms of Hps versus other classes with my output being around 22K in average in boss fights.

Most of the bosses have a lot of movement, people are spread around and I find it difficult to be really useful.

Do others have the same challenge? If not, is there any good guide on Raid healing with Holy Pala?

Many thanks


yesterday I did Eranog and Terros on normal difficulty. I play melee build with divine toll and empyrean legacy + 40 yd LoD. I had 27k HPS and and was 1st in healing on Terros.

The issue was the ice spider boss. As a melee I could not even CS to properly generate HP. So I guess it is just the repeating of issue that much of the gameplay is not melee friendy. I cannot speak for other bosses since I have not been them yet.

Im running a caster build as well. I don’t feel like im that much behind the other healers, im a bit worse geared however. A few key points i have found important: Mainaining dawn is imortant for healing buff, Wings and Toll are imporant at the right times, Holy light over flash of light for the aoe healing, abuse holy power as much as possible - constantly using word of glory, heal beacon targets for more holy power, spread glimmer of light as much as possible.

This is what im doing and it seems to be working just fine for me without having to deal with too many Holy gimmicks. It of course depends on the build that you’re using.

Paladins are mostly bottom list from healing. We have great spot and raw healing but when it comes to groupe /raid healing you will never, and i say it again, NEVER BEAT OTHER HEALERs. Most single target healing comes from beacon, holy shock and words of glory ( eventual martyr). The only good groupe healing we have is dawn of light. That’s all.

It’s not the job of Paladin healer to sustain the groupe. Our main job is to heal raw with single target or groupe target with light of dawn and focusing those who need healing at most. Important is our utility in raid and Tank healing. Normaly you will only keep one Paladin healer and the rest are groupe healers like druid, shaman, holy priest etc.

That’s why you should never feel bad when your healing is lower then those from other healers. But as balance you had to react and having a impact when your utility or singel target raw healing is demanding.

As was mentioned by Medic, holy paladins on average will be doing lower HPS then most other healing classes and that is okay.
However that difference should only be really felt at a heroic or mythic level, untill then the numbers should balance out more, simply because the amount of damage and spike damage is lower.

I’m not a pro, i’ve done some mythic raiding in my days but now mostly a curve raider, there is certainly other builds out there, but to help shed some light here is what is working for me:

The numbers
At 375-379 i was doing 50-60k raw HPS (include overheal) over a raid night on normal
At 392 i am doing up too 70k raw HPS (include overheal) over a raid night on heroic
The build mana burns easily and is a risk

There are many builds that will still give enough output for the content your doing,
So feel free to continue to explore what’s working for you and your guild.

My build

Reading the set bonus i saw the buff to flash or light and holy light i knew the caster build would end up being the most useful.

  • Infusion of Light + Flash of light is the center of my build.
  • Beacon of virtue is the only beacon im using
  • Divine toll + Glimmer of light
  • In a raid i will use [Empyrean Legacy] otherwise i will use [inflorerence of the sunwell]
  • My other talents are designed around buffing the raw healing of flash of light + crit chance of holy shock.
  • [Tyr’s Deliverance] is used to further buff flash of light and holy light
  • Word of glory and light of dawn are used situationally.
  • Devine favour to further improve flash of light healing

How the build works:

  • Beacon is used off CD, or saved for a few seconds for big mechanics coming out
  • Holy shock is used either to damage or heal and try and proc Infuision of light
  • Word of glory and light of dawn will be used at 5 holy power for Of dusk and dawn
  • Flash of light is used as the primary heal when there is no holy power to spend
  • When big damage is coming out, [Tyr’s Deliverance] is used to give flash of light increased healing, i don’t care for its passive healing, but it’s buffed flash of light healing
  • Diving toll is used only when beacon of virtue is up, getting up to 7ish people healed at once is very useful. (learning the boss fights help with this)
  • I try to use devine favour with wings, to further increase the effect + beacons.

In heroic i’m now experimenting with replacing Tyrs deliverence and instead buffing light of dawn, to increase my overall base HPS.
However in M+ i personally believe Tyrs Deliverence will be better. (but i’ll see)


  • Mana,

i have burned mana at times if i keep the rotation going for too long.
If i look at what i’m most useful for in a raid (as a holy paladin), which is to do utility based healing (heal during times that it’s needed, as other healers are moving, unable to cast etc), this build allows us to very quickly and effective burst healing up-to 5+ people at any one time.

Where i’ve seen some good uses of this build for my groups:

Sennarth - immune the grip by standing in webs with Bless of freedom, devine toll on stairs + quick flashes of light + beacon

Dathea - Devine toll + beacon + sometimes bubble or devine stead + flash of light on pull in, on heroic at 15 or so stacks your beacon can keep your group up with flash of light procs + devine toll

Broodkeeper - with this build you can solo heal the boss group (still need to do her on heroic)

Raszegeth normal and heroic - if you have no warlock gate, healing through the push winds, spot healing people that are spread apart etc.
Other healers are more benefical here output wise, but the very quick burst healing between CD phases really can help smooth things out.

I hope this has helped.

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This seems interesting, do you have a link for the build?

Evoker laughs in 60-70k HPS without loosing mana. An Evoker can solo heal all bosses in Vault normal, that does not require groups to be split up. At the same time they don’t loose mana. And their AOE healing spells heals more on each target than Flash of light does.

We have an Evoker in our friend group, that can maintain 60k-ish HPS, without goin OOM even after a 5-6 min fight.

Most other healers I’ve seen is somewhere between 20-40k and they will more than likely go OOM, if fights take to long.


Indeed prevoker are busted but i healed some hc raid as a duo healer with a druid and i was like 50k-60k hps where druid was 60k-70k hps. I think Holy pala shines most in 2/2/6 or 2/3/9. Bigger groupe makes the holy paladin less wanted or usefull.

I’ve been playing paladin for several expansions, and never felt like I do now. Right now even when I do really nice heroic parses (85+), I’m still way way way below the HPS of the other healers in the raid.
This raid has a lot of fights where people cannot stack, and we shine on stacked groups. I might just finally swap main and abandon the paladin until there is a change, or for the expansion I suppose.

I feel like Paladins healing is totally depended on how much the other healers are padding, heavy pad group with Evokers/Druids etc will just destroy your healing. In a bad pug I can do like 70k hps on Grimtotem than in the next run I just do 43k by basiclly playing the same.

My main issue with Paladin atm is that it feels like apart for Holy Shock and WoG with Empyrean most of our healing feels almost passive as a part of a rotation. This also goes over too m+ where I feel like Holy Paladins are the healers that overall struggle the most with unexpected damage.

Also dont consider the caster style, sad truth is yes in best case scenario it can acutally compete in HPS vs the CS style the problem is your mobility is even worse you still need to be melee and padding will still screw you over. And in my book it just aint worth making the game alot harder for yourself unless you gain something big from it and thats sadly not the case.


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