Struggling to do hc nyalotha


i want make group to do this raid on hc to help my friend to gear up and get corrupted voidwing
but we keep fail i tryed invite +460ilvl with curve we keep fail
and no one will accept hoin there group coz my frien 445ilvl

any advice please?

If you can tank or heal, go for it, alot higher chance to get accepted

If its on your hunter then RIP

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Can this be an option for you? 🐙 [WE DID IT] Forum Run: Heroic Ny'Alotha (Horde)

Just do some m+ with your friend to gear up a bit more.


As a hunter you can easly solo a 3 mask horrific vision (the 0 mask runs are supereasy, tho’ as BM, sou if you are not on that spec, I suggest, respec a bit) - those are 460 stuff
Upgrading your cloak to 15 is not only worth it, but rises its Ilvl, like the ~90 HoA
As a side gearing, Heroic Warfront: Darkshore and the 4xMyth weekly turtle are both reward 460 stuff (in the case of the Emissary, possible to have 470 even, my DK got the N’Zoth two handed weapon, 470 and TWD R3)
But pugging N’zoth himself… we are, what 26th week in the reaid? And still not really puggable, so if you want that curve and voidwing you either join a friendly Guild who help you not only gear up but do the tentacled bad boy, or buy a boost. No shame in it. I’ve done it, and not ashamed to admit it. N’Zoth is between 75-110K depending of the day of the week and you want the quick and easy rout (+coin roll on him) pay for it…
These are MY advices… :heart:


This is just false


Save yourself a lot of time by joining social 1day 12/12hc guild, there are plenty of them and they don’t have non-sense requirements for players to join (as pug raids does). Also person with curve might simply be boosted, so…

Buy a boost if you don’t want to upgrade your friend’s gear.
Nobody will boost your 440 friend for free.


Nah, I’ve tried to pug it every week. Always falls apart. Most of the time it’s because of the tanks.

Well i have pugged it many a week at this point on at least 2 chars.
On the tank thing well it depends if the tank has a spesific route they want to take and the dps is either to high or to low for the route it wont work.
There is also that people wont take tanks that are learning but want tanks that know it completly already. There is also that you can make so many different routes in there that what the tank is used to do might be wrong for the group.

Do you know it is the tanks or is that an assumption?
The biggest problem i have had in there is not the tanks (but to be fair one of my runs are almost always with tanks being in communication with each other on voice, not that they need it.) But that people get Mind-controlled or stand in things that kill them.
So the groups going downstairs are unbalanced and the timing is very wrong.
For this it sure does not help that people often run a 2/2/6 group.

Not always true, there are still people out there that have actual empathy.
This game is just littered with people now that i call “a five lettered word that probably would give me a forum silence”.

Gear your friend up. Unless you’re a 470+ person with mythic kills that can guarantee the applicants a quick oneshot, chances are people won’t apply to boost your lowbie friend. I sure wouldn’t join such group.


…I pug nzoth on 2 characters every week.

Even as a 30 tank run XD

He asked for advice, not for some dumb remark?

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There’s having empathy and then there’s spending multiple hours in a run carrying someone who likely won’t even remember your name in a couple weeks time, without even having any sort of guarantee you’ll be able to down the raid after spending these multiple hours there. I have a feeling the OP isn’t all that high-geared and experienced himself, so the help certainly wouldn’t be a matter of 0.5-1 hours.

Not to mention that there’s people offering paid boosts to people and then trying to carry them through as their “friends”. Having seen such practices in pugs, I’m a bit discouraged from carrying “lowbie friends” in raid groups.


There is no empathy in pugging.

If you choose that route you have to go into it with your eyes open.


Best advice I can give is to gear up.


Get real
You will NEVER Pug with a 445 ilvl friend and under 460
Heck, nowdays you are lucky to get an invite to Wrathion with those stats
Ny’alotha is a huge Raid, with tons of boss, a pug team usually falls apart after Ra-Den
Get an invite to a “last boss” or Carapace+N’Zoth run without horribly overgeared is basically unheard of
OP asked for advice, and face it, the advice “well get a pug/make your own team” simply useless or outright false


Why u boosting someone with that ilvl? Lol.

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Getting there with 465-ish item level is doable, if you put in enough effort and know how to actually play the character you’re applying with. Given that the last two drop 470 stuff, I wouldn’t say that’s overgear.

I think people want to get a 460 ilvl instead of that 445, not sure.
But as stated earlier, try to get high gear and play as a tank/healer, you get in much faster.