Stuck at 8 pieces of hate

I was doing the Ratt’s revenge dungeon with a couple friend and we where lotting the pieces of hate, when I open one of the chest something happend and it disapeared like I looted the pieace but is not in my inventory.
I checked all the dungeon and there is no console to activate, I tried:

  • going out ressetting the istances and comming back in alone and with the same party of people
  • logging out and changing character and then logging back in
  • closing the game completely and then logging back in
  • waiting the next day to see if in the daily reset somethign changed

I also recked the dungeon and I can’t find the chest or consoles to open them anywhere,
Since I am from Italy the support sistem tells me there are no GM for my language, even tough I can just write in english, and so I can’t open a ticket
I am stuck, any ideas to fix this?

Thank everyone for your time

When this happens to chests or lootable objects anywhere else the item or currency will typically be sent to you in the mailbox, so I would check there.

I’ll give you the answer a GM would probably give… :smile: Have you checked wowhead? It has often helped me when I get completely stuck on something, there’s often a few comments from people with the same issue, and useful replies how to fix it.

I hope you can sort it :slight_smile:

Did you take account for the 9th piece not being in a chest, but at the slot machines in the bike room, where you need a bunch of “lucky” items to win the piece?

Further more, it seems unlikely you cant make a ticket because you are from Italy, are you sure you did it right? Here is a link for the EU support website:

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