So… again a bug after Fyrakk kill… This time, right after boss died, i got stunned? Feelslike a GM is trolling me or something… i cant teleport out, i cant use abilities or ANYTHING, OR LOOT THE CORPSE FOR CRESTS?? i took screenshots and everything, i dont wanna use the “Im Stuck” option, since then i would not be able to return to loot the crests… This is really frustrating, 2nd Fyrakk kill that bugged for me this week… UNREAL!!! I’d need a GM to unstun me as soon as posssible, this just cant be true. After my last Fyrakk bug thing, they just answered theres nothing they can do about it, or return crests, just told me its unfortunate, and better luck next time… Well, next time happened and now im stuck even worse.
So the problem is: everything im trying to do, cast spells, use HS to tele out and go back in, it says “Cant do that when you’re stunned” , and im pretty sure im not supposed to get stunned after boss dies, like nobody else in the group did. been stuck here for +15mins now, tried relogging and and what not.
after 20mins and 2nd relog: i relogged, i can move again, AND THE CORPSE IS UNLOOTABLE!!! this is clearly a bug and blizzard cant tell me anymore theyre not sending me crests from this kill to my mail or to my Currency tab… UNREAL
EDIT: THIS TIME ITS ON MY EVOKER, Isoherkko-Stormreaver . THeres a priest still trying to hold me a spot incase i could move and loot it, since the gamemasters seem too busy doing nothing , last time i needed instant help i got answered the next day.