Stuck character Service not working infinite loading loop

Hello since hours im trying to move my character that fell throught the map and cant pay the game but the self service to unstuck your character is not working its stuck in infinite loading it doenst even get to the character list

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I’m having the exact same issue with the self service just infinitely loading.

Good to hear I’m not the only one.

Same here. Trying to report a bot spamming Anniversary LFG channel for 24 hours straight.

The normal in-game report have no effect - probably because he Logs in, post a message and then logs out again. Before we manage to report him he is already logged in into another session, making the report void.

It’s been a day and a half, and it’s still not loading.

I’ve tried it on several different devices, on mobile data, wifi, after clearing my browser’s cache, etc.

Oddly enough, it DID work when I logged into the US one where I apparently have a single level 3 rogue.

-… Sadly, I need the EU one.