Stuck in "logging in to game server"

same issue here, day off work and i cant get on… just my luck


how long does it takes :< its been 2 hours for me

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What happened,why we cannot play?

I want my game time back :frowning:


there goes my childfree wow time :frowning:

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same issuse smh

Woho, we are back in business!


I’ve just managed to log back in

It’s back up! :smiley:

Works now! gogo

My sub is almost over in couple days and I can’t even farm gold for it. :frowning:

Same issue…

Is working yeeeeeeeee

It’s back up yaay

Seriously give us a ETA to know if we are still waiting or we are going doing something else…

It is the same for me over here, on both Classic and Retail… Hoped to be able to farm transmog and lvl up my druid but eh. RIP. Glad that it is not a problem from me tho’

Yay! It works :smiley:

woooohhhhhoooo!!! Back in :smiley:

Happy Draenei noises


Its back up , just got in retail EU