Stuck in "logging in to game server"

i am in now try it

Working for me (y)

I still can’t get in its been 2 days now same error WOW51900223

Hi, Stoneheart! o/

The root cause for most of the connection issues affecting the players in this thread has been resolved. The error code you mention is also different to what others reported, so you seem to have a completely different issue.

Usually, the error you mention is caused by something in the game being out of date, so can you try following these steps? And just in case, I would also recommend trying connection troubleshooting.

Same and after the failed opening of aq on pyrewood village, your really starting to think about what it is we are paying for.

same… -.- last night everything worked 100%

same here…
This is the 2nd time in 4 weeks certain people aren’t able to log in to a PAID sevice and it takes up to a day to fix it… its just sad at some point even, but they keep collecting money so no harm done for them… the most insane thing to all of this is that the first blue post reply we will get now is to tell us its our fault why we cant connect…

Same issue with BFA on logging screen - “You have been disconnected (WOW51900102)”

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Actually at least 3rd.

Im having the same problem. Any workaround? Seriously We are paying for this service get this fixed will ya…

Same issue here. Very early this morning I got through after a couple of attempts, but now I’m completely stuck on the same error.

same here but meh just play LOL now :smiley:

Could you at least update the “Breaking News” message to say ‘some players might be unable to connect to server at all’ and when do you expect to fix the issue?


We keep paying for services that are not provided. Put some effort into it, at least equal to the money you get from us.

Same here, haven’t been able to log in since early morning today (retail version).

This thread is from 2019. Please refrain from bumping this :slight_smile:

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