Stuck in ten man for old raids

OK so how come I am locked on doing all raids on ten man normal difficulty I can’t even change it back to heroic 25 since when I get back into the raid its automatically set to ten man normal this is super annoying and I’m stuck on this for a week till this thing resets I can even mount farm or anything like this is a new account and not one mount drop not one because of this stupid change

not quite sure what you mean but 10 and 25 nhc/hc share the same id. you cant run them separately the same week.

if you want your mount drops i suggest to always run 25s to begin with.

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Since last patch Wotlk 10 and 25 man share lock out in some raids its all very messy and confusing can you tell us which raid at all ?

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You can farm old raids on different difficulties if they have mythic mode, so starting with SoO you can do normal/heroic/mythic one after another.

Hope this helps .


I tried to solo ulduar 25 man, but it is impossible. the game will always automatically make it 10 man

It’s buggy sometimes to switch difficulty.
Happened to me many times in raids like ICC and ToTC. That bug can be solved by reforming group. No idea how to deal as solo - may be relog?

I dont know much about these new lockout or reset but herald of Titan gear farming we need specific difficulty to drop right ilvl gear.

Ulduar is 10 and 25 man at the same time, ever since it became a TW raid. Same goes for Firelands.


You can change it manually with raid difficulty for most dungeons. There are exceptions to everything though.

After they added TW for Ulduar blizzard made the insane decision to merge 10 and 25 man for Ulduar because mixing the loot was for some reason the best idea they could think of.


The only 10/25 man thing is on wolk where sets are different

2 days ago i wasted my try to get Invincible because despite having raids at 25 man heroic since forever, the game decided to put me in 25 man normal raid, i’m not raiding anything below ICC so i’m not entering any raids with normal mode only.

All apart from Ulduar now due to TW.

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You couldn’t change it inside the raid?

probably got saved to it before they realised.

You can switch between normal and heroic inside the raid at anytime I’m pretty sure, even if you’ve killed bosses, you can’t switch between 10 man and 25 man though.

nah I swear it’s before bosses.

You can kill up to LK on 10 normal, exit the instance and change to 25 and then enter and change to HC. Once you change to Hc you’ll be locked to the run and cannot change it further.

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i could, but after i killed boss on normal i couldn’t engage last on heroic and had to downgrade to normal to be able to kill :confused:

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