Stuck on faction selection

I am stuck on a decision for days now…
I can’t decide what faction to play in the next expansion.

On one hand we have the horde who’s races I don’t really like how they look.
I hate to see hooves, toes, claws instead of boots.
I hate seeing gigantic shoulder armor that clip into your face.
I love the goblins, blood elfs and pandaren races, but the classes I love to play (warrior, survival hunter, demon hunter, monk) have really bad problems with weapon “holding”.

Take for example the spears…this problem has been in the game since the beginning, and it still amazes me that they didn’t fix it. All spears, polearms, halberds look like antennas on your character’s back…really hate that. (except for the Legion artifact weapon…that is the only one that is actually good).
Two-handed weapons on blood elf females and goblins are so huge it’s ridiculous. When a blood-elf female walks with a gigantic two-handed sword on its back I feel like she always wants to turn left, because the weight on her back is too much. Not to mention when you have 2 gigantic weapons you can’t even see your character (goblin).

What I like about the horde are the players. Yes, there are toxic, arrogant, narcissist players everywhere, you can’t escape that, but compared to the alliance, the horde has less of those, and more understanding people.

The guild I played with (raids, dungeons) at the beginning of the expansion, were very awesome. Even if we wiped (and we did bcs i was a healer) we laughed about it and moved on. We didn’t fight over who was wrong or who did or didn’t do things correctly. Unfortunately they all decided not to play WoW anymore because they didn’t like Shadowlands.

On the other hand we have the alliance, who’s races I like how they look: Human, dwarf, gnome, night elf. However, the players on the alliance side are so toxic it really makes me question why i even play the game. I’m not saying that all are like that…just the ones i came in contact with, and most of them were in LFR and dungeons (hc not even mythic).

So this is why I am stuck. I can’t decide between cool looking characters but toxic players, or not so cool looking characters but good players.

How do I decide?

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Warrior - Orc, Tauren, Maghar are epitome of warriors. Most picked races for warrior.

Sur hunter - High mountain tauren, Orcs, Trolls kinda good choice

Demon hunter - BE

Monk - Panda.

Those races class combo really look and make sense lorewise.

At start you feel like ugly and all then you will love it with their voice acting and animations.

And horde community is vast compare to alliance so you get more people and choices.

Zandalari and Nightborn look great.
For alliance playing a Gnome is funny ( short though. it has disadvantages for sure lol).
Kultiran i have paid so much money for transmog and nothing looks good.
Void Elf is a good option.
Worgen is my favorite for Alliance.

I just can’t stand Horde architecture, not as cozy. Stormwind > Ogrimmar.


I always used to play Horde, and met a fair share of, not sure I would say toxic, but definitely unpleasant players on there. But that was a few expansions ago, maybe Horde is a paradise now :rofl: Wanted to try something new, so playing Alliance now. Also they have shorter wait times for BGs and recieve more honor.

Not really sure what to advice to give. You will be spending all your gametime looking at the character and being a member of that faction, so would probably not play a character that does not appeal to you.

The argument that Horde has more players is honestly not a bad one though. To me it feels like a lot of casual PvP communities on Alliance are dead, which makes socializing ingame harder. I imagine PvE will be better.

i decided to main both. not playin high end content is simple.

I played horde from BC to the end of BFA. I don’t regret my switch to alliance.

As the person above said, it’s mostly to do with the architecture and I’m probally still in the grass is greener side of things after 13/14 years of horde, plus I’ve been super super casual recently and SL was only good for about a month.

true. i regret to have a completed garrison horde side since i love ally one.

lol… … … … lol :rofl:

… … … … … …
… lol … … … …

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I’m going Alliance on Argent Dawn.
there’s some unpleasant people everywhere, but AD on Alliance has probably one of the more social and casually engaging communities in Retail Wow on EU, and I do think it’ll be a pleasant experience in the new expansion.

However from a purely gameplay standpoint I have massive criticisms on how there’s still a faction split and yet there’s little to no fantasy/experiential weight to that, same for chosen races, and how Exile’s Reach does a damn poor job of introducing new players to any of that lol.

With the steadying Irrelevance of the factions in day to day gameplay, it’s high time we’re either removed from it, or they double down on it, one of the two, because right now it’s in a really, really weird place.

If I were in your position, I would forget about factions and use the recruitment section of the forums to look for friends. And I’d do it now. Find people you like playing with and the faction question will take care of itself.

Just play evoker on horde. Problem solved, right?

This pathetic bs exist only inside your head, so racist, L + wake up we have crossfaction now

It doesn’t really matter anymore I think. Alliance and horde can do dungeons together anyways. Just play what race you like best.

Play Horde
Pick Blood Elf
Either choose the male who doesn’t have the weapon issue so much or wear one of the back items that hide weapons.

If Blizzard commit to making more things cross faction it wouldn’t be an issue what faction you wanted to pick.

They really need to include other parts of the game like LFR/LFD/Random BG etc and give us cross faction guilds. The people can just pick the races they prefer and not feel they have to go Horde for fear for missing out.

I don’t personally find there is any stereotype when it comes to what kinds of players play on what faction. They are all just players, some are nice, some are not.

I think calling players of one faction toxic is toxic in itself. You hear the same about Horde servers like Kazzak. I don’t think it does us any good to generalize like that.

No one can make the choice for you obviously, but I do support the movement towards more cross faction oriented gameplay as well.

How is this even a question.

Which faction got the huts?


…And the best ladies!!!

That is a lot of text

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