Stuck on Firemaw as a Horde player

The realm currently has a 100% Alliance population according to Ironforge Pro (and it definitely shows – Orgrimmar is practically a ghost town) and there are no options to transfer to anywhere except Hydraxian Waterlords, which is a beyond dead RP realm. Fun fact, the reason I came to Firemaw in the first place was because my previous realm died… and that realm was Hydraxian Waterlords. So no, I’m not going back there.

Why is there no option to move to a more populated realm for free? It feels like robbery to have to pay €25 for a paid transfer just to be able to play the game. There’s no way I’m going to be enjoying Wrath in any shape or form on launch on a realm that has 0% Horde players. I’ll be getting ganked 24/7 as soon as I get to Northrend.

This is unacceptable, please do something about this and fast. Time is ticking.

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Launch today and there’s still no word from Blizzard about giving us a playable experience. I’m surprised more people aren’t outraged about this.

I can’t even start on a new realm even if I wanted to because every realm is locked. Blizzard, stop ignoring this.

This company just doesn’t care, does it? I’m missing out on the launch craziness because of your incompetence, Blizzard.

Hello, i’d to say that i also have the same Issue too, my only char lvl 70 hunter stuck on firemaw horde, there is no server with that i can go to for free, help us blizzard

The issues with Firemaw are to many to ignore at this time.

->240min queue time to login on weekends;
->99% Alliance since the free migrations to Gehennas (according to Ironforge website theres less than 100 horde on the server), this was an imbalanced created by Blizzard and that in the meantime, no proper answer as been given to the community.
->Several days during the Invasion events at the end of TBCC, in which the server was unplayable in the evening (looting would take 20secs+, opening an ingame mail would take half a minute, etc);
->The server being locked to new character creation, even if you want to create on horde side (basically Blizzard doesnt even allow people to bring new friends to play on this server to try and solve the imbalance that the horde faction is facing at the moment);

So I would ask one of the forum moderators or a GM to actually answer us. What is being actively being done to solve these problems

Blizzard has lost it, European players gets the middle finger by this company, absolute disgrace

It has been like this for so many years, this is nothing new.

Please please please Blizz fix it. There’s no more horde player in Firemaw now. That’s scam we are paying for this, what a joke

Same here, rolled a Night Elf DK just to be able to play normally. My well-geared undead priest is stuck freezing its a$$ off in camp Winterhoof…

Not paying the €25 on principal grounds. If a server pop is unbalanced, there should be a fee-free transfer to normally populated realms, not ones with 25 people on them…

kekw pogchamp

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