Stuck on vale of eternal blossoms

A glitch happened and my character started to fall down to oblivion , game kicks me instantly cuz im out of boundaries , any fixes for it ?

Try staying logged out for 30 minutes to see if your character gets moved.

You can also try the Character Stuck service.

Staying logged out isnt working , service page isnt even responding :slight_smile:

What I do on beta tests when I get stuck like that is to change graphics settings to 1. Then I log in. Sometimes it helps to pull you out of the loop long enough for the game to place you in a graveyard or another location. Might be worth a try if you are struggling with the service page.

Also you could try another browser if you can’t get the service page to load.

None of it working , sadly :frowning:
Still bugged

If you still have the issue then reach out to the Game Master team via the ticket system, include the name and realm of the character with your description of the issue and they can try to resolve it for you.

testing 123