Stuck with "downloading important game data" ingame

Hi since the last patch I’ve been stuck with the little spinning wheel thing ingame that says “downloading important game data” witch does not seem to ever finish I’ve tried to delete cache and wow cache and scanned for errors and disabled all firewalls + antivirus. still it wont disappear it’s been like this forever and I don’t know what else to try. Any suggestions are welcome

Hey. You have to fully reinstall the game (delete all files, don’t forget to save Interface, Screenshots and WTF). Then you should disable automatic updates (Options - Game Install/update - Never automatically aplly updates). And you will be fine. The 20GB new update for SL is what causes the problem.

no way the only solution is to reinstall whole game?

Blizzard are aware of some issues and are currently investigating. There are already a couple dozen threads about this issue. Making more at the moment is not really required, as they are aware of the issue.

Telling people that Reinstalling the game is the only fix is trolladvice. Don’t do it.

I always leave my launcher open which is why I might not be getting this problem.

I only get 0% downloaded when I hover over the menu icon.

Indeed this is a known issue at the moment. For more info and updates have a look at this thread: