STV event! One suggestion!

Hello all,
With a potential that STV event carry with it self, i am afraid none of that potential is in use atm. This event became shaman/healer event. Recently i farmed AB rep on 3 chars. And it was really frustrating. First i farmed rogue. Only grp i can hope for more then 8 silver is stealth grp and that grp is gamble really. When you go with healer you die all the time because healer cant heal rogue in STV. So you are doomed to die 100 times in half of hour. And you get like 5 silvers. While some parties... I will come to that later. Second one i farmed was warrior. Omg, that kinda made my hair more gray than it was. Looking for healer on warrior made me reroll on healer in this phase. And if it happens for you to get best what you can get, feral, encha shammy priest healer with warrior again you die a lot and you cant get more then 10 silver, and those with 10 silver are really rare.
What is the point of this large text is that, my 3rd char was resto druid. And btw, as warrior, rogue, feral, no range wants to see you in group. So you need to go only one setup everytime, and that setup is not the best for any of melee. Back to the resto druid. I am really new to healing classes, never healed before. And the moment i came in STV i got a whisper:Range grp, you wanna join?. I accepted the offer, and after half hour, boom, 20 coins. I mean, no skill at all in healing, still learning, i died 3 times only in that event, those who were in my grp stayed in same place and just casted their most dmg abilities. Friend from guild made 30 coins that event.

The whole point is that, those classes are OP now, and i think they will OP in p4 too. But it is unfair to they can farm rank 10 in 7-12 stv events, and that warrior have to do like full week of 6+hrs BGs and to attend all STV events during the day. Only that thought drawed me back from playing melee. And i am really melee lover from day 1 of WoW back to 2004. I
Here goes my suggestion:

Make STV event a thing where you need all classes in orther to get most of the event. For example make a buff if there is more then one shammy in grp that lowers coins gained. Shammy is here for example. Or make a buff for all melee classes to get double coins in event. Or make a buff where all party get more coins if they have 1, 2, or 3 melee in grp and that buff stack by number of melee classes in that grp.
3rd option would be most fair i think. It will let all range to go together and just farm all of other parties easy and for those melee that will give fair multiplier of coins for time spent in that event. It is kinda stupid to go somewhere you know from start that you will loose it.
I really hope that some of the devs will read this post and will do something about it!!

Ty in advance!