Sub cancelled - will come back when flying does at max level for gold

Not really what he said but theres always someone willing to willfully misinterpret what someone says isn’t there?


Kinda is what he said;

Blizzard wants you to play their content more than “once on patch day and then never again”. You have to work for rewards.

But hey, maybe you are just tired? :upside_down_face:


There is a different between working for something, and beeing spoonfed with 1 hour rep each day. Keep in mind pashing makes some quest a pain to complete with phasing beeing worse than ever before in 8.2, mobs, quest item, rare mobs etc just despawn for no reason. This isnt working for something, most of the playerbase dont mind working hard to get something, but when everything is timegated and have to wait another month for something we have been waiting for a whole year, thats a just bad design and draging it out.


Even if all this madness you will be able to fly; what is the gain of it ? You will be able to fly to the most boring brain dead daily quests?let’s be honest; BFA is a failure, a new expansion or revamp or Classic might solve this abomination. Just let it sink in and realize the truth of this whole siphon feeding gated nightmare.


So sad to see you go. Your motives are just, and your explanation sincere.

Can I have your gold?


At first glance I wanted flying asap.

But when thinking deep - I play lots of classes and races (20+) I am not gold farmer to buy those pricey flying on each alt. Few weeks grind time and flying for all toons kinda ok for me.

But people who just play few toons - will get frustrated.

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So you are gone forever dude. I wish same that unlock flying at max level but it will never happen sadly.


Let him go dude , Moritz started in legion.
He cannot understand what WoW was before.

I agree with the original post.

It’s taken them over a year just to release a patch where flying was possible. We all anxiously awaited that patch, worked on our pathfinder crap etc. Patch arrived, only to see a rediculous rep requirement that’ll take MONTHS to achieve!

Getting 25rep per quest is a joke!!! It should be 250 at the LEAST!! And it’s not like the quests are quick and easy, oh no far from it. Many of them are not even marked on the map where to get the items, like that stupid “kill 3 rares” quest that takes all damn day and running around the map instead of FLYING around.

On a side note, I quit that dumb 3-rares quest when I had 2/3 rares, found the 3rd after 15minutes of riding around. “FINALLY!” I thought to myself, found the rare in a rock evading all my attacks. -.- I quit and came here to complain about how utterly pathetic 8.2 is and how it’s ruined the game for me.


And you do, because you started in WoD. Hilarious.


Starter retail in WoD , till then played on a P server.

Farewell my friend, may the earth mother watch over you.


Well, I just hit Honored with the Gnomes and I think it’s fair to say that you will reach Revered with them within two weeks if things will stay like this. But the Naz-reputation is the real grind here.


I far prefer the superior (IMO) buy at max level flying system we had until they tried (and failed) to remove flying in WoD.

I fear this system wont go any time soon. They like gating us behind achievements and grounding us for long periods of time.


You know i dislike farming rep, but i will go trough 2 weeks of suffering to get my flying so i can level my alts without having to use ground mounts in BFA.
BUT i really hate to think that i will have to slow poke on ground again when next part of 8.x is released like we have now, or like Argus in legion…or not to mention next expansion so another year on ground mount is just crappy as hell.


A game should be fun. Vanilla was FUN, TBC was FUN, Wrath was FUN. Than ION came and ruined everything and all, slowely but steadily.


Nah it takes around two weeks.

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Yeah, flying for gold is never going to happen. So like, can I have your stuff before you go?


Afaik he became lead designer in legion, why would you blame him for cata ? I think Ion recieves a lot of undeserved hate for what the WoW team as a whole did. I guess it’s easier to call out ion than the unknown guy responsible for class design.

If anything why were the BC and Wotlk dailies fun but the Nazjatar WQ trash ? Isn’t that the very same concept ?

They used to give you a single goal you’d do everyday, while now you’re free to complete your daily on different spawns (kill elites / nagas / beast X dailies give you a lot of freedom for example) and Nazjatar should be more rewarding than any daily grind in the game.

So where’s the issue beside the mindset ? What did they have that made them fun ? (Plz don’t involve class design here, this is a completely different issue)


But for me, its everything about class design, i can’t stick with one class when before i mained feral for 3-4years…