Sub nerfs PVP next hotfix!

Here it is guys! Echoing reprimand already getting 30% nerf! :frowning: I had so much fun with it. Allright back to SIN i guess…

Doing a 178K crit in a BG was fun tho with reprimand lmao

ROFL i just did a 185K reprimand lmaooo

How did you do so much?.. I have full honor build. Non tanks get 100k dmg from ability and 50k drom shadowblades. I have the same build as you.

SB+Mark+Medallion+cold blood+Danse Macabre 2-3x stacks = boom big echo

yeah i just follow the cheese build that you can find on youtube. I 2 shot dudes whole the time in pvp lmao its fun

I am curious which build will be playable Now​:sweat_smile: … But 30% i think of we did 150k truck hits se vám still do around 100k :sweat_smile: And Finish by shadow strikes

Idk I don’t even play an ER build

even paladins and DH hits 100k why is not rogues allowed to hit 100k

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Because rogue is going to lock stun you while doing so, as Enhance I can’t really defend against your opener, if I wall, you reset, wait 12 sec and repeat, I’ll die…

sub rogues is unplayble moust terible spec in game needs buffs

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Lol? I went to thé aréna after nerf :sweat_smile:. Won 10/11 games simply by ER build. I still hit 60k by shadowstrike 65k-80k per ER. Stunlock And doing 50k eviscerates. Its ok.

well thats good to know

We need buffs

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