Sub-race names & templates tied to the new customization options

Oh I’d love those in the future!

But what about now? Are there truly any Blood Elf sub-cultures becoming available with the customization which was confirmed or just minor additions?

I’d love tattoos for example, but I am unsure if the Farstriders would define as a sub-faction… they’re not a clan or tribe, just a… guild?

Then again, Wildhammer dwarves are just dwarves with different tattoos.
So that may work after all?

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I really love this idea :3 If I can get my high elf this way then I am in!

Don’t let this great thread go down!


Agreed. Sigfrieda and Moira have worked so hard on this, I hope the Devs take notice - would be great if they implemented the idea :slight_smile:


Thanks. You guys are really awesome. :yellow_heart:


The Farstrider and Highborne thread actually ended up suggesting something like this as well, just calling it ‘tab’ rather than template.

I’d love to see a template for both these, then, if Moria has the time to spare.
Farstrider template for Blood Elves and Highborne template for Night Elves.

As a matter of facts they also suggested High Elves as a template for the Void Elves, but that was already made. :slight_smile:


But is Farstrider not a organization not a race? And sure but a subrace will work better because then you can just make the sub races their own race.

I think the point Sindorea was trying to make is that Wildhammer and Bronzebeard dwarves are also the same race after all, with just different features which come from different clan/affiliation rather than genetics.

So if the ‘subrace’ templates work for dwarves, they could maybe better be called ‘subtype’ and be applied for both genetic or cultural differences depending on whatever makes sense for the specific race:

Ah okay I will be fine with it if we get our high elves xD

Gilgoblins and Ankoan, both were allies in Nazjatar anyway, Ankoan use the Night Elf skeleton but they’re hardly elves.
I need to be able to play Ankoan I swear lol.

But what subrace will you set Ankoan under? I rather have arakkoa the non corrupted version.

It would be its own race, so Horde and Alliance have the same number of “main” races because Vulpera are too unique to stick with Goblins.

Fair but they can also make the Jinyu (But like I said I will be fine with everything if we get High elves)

They could always put Jinyu customisation options with the Ankoan race, Ankoan are basically Jinyu with higher textures anyway.

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Touche good sir. But I like the name Jinyu more tbh xD

Broken would be a great addition for this feature.
The male model from WoD should be fine as a starting point to work with. For the female the basic Draenei model could be used but changed. With new textures much can be done, as we have seen during BFA (Blood Trolls, Zandalari and Kul Tiran Druid forms).


Since I was asked, I have tried to make a Farstrider mockup.

Truth be told, however, I feel that in this case it does not really work as well as with the dwarves and trolls, for two reasons.

  1. The tattoos are not actually in game so I had to draw them on…
  2. Tattoos alone do not seem enough to make a separated template.

With the dwarves and trolls it feels different because they are known different clan/tribes, famous as such. Maybe I am biased though, loving dwarves as much as I do. And trolls are easy because of the different skin colors.

Also, I tried, failed and gave up the Highborne mockup because I could not find any truly Highborne-looking night elves in the youtube videos from alpha and I felt that attempting to simulate more extra customization not actually in game went beyond the objective of this thread.

In order for it to make sense, appropriate customization would have to be added to the game first.


NP, thanks for trying I guess.

Can you also make the High elf model? If you want to ofc ^^ with some alleria tattoos :3 Hopefully I am not asking to much? ^^…

Oh, I kinda did that several weeks ago:

Unfortunately however I could not find a full-screen screenshot of the new character creator displaying a naked Void Elf with fair skin and blue eyes.

Not having Alpha access sucks, as I can only get as far as photoshopping screenshots from random youtube videos to make my previews. I’d need help from someone with access be able to do better.