i can get onboard with the removal of CDR through vanish because it’s a cheesy way of ‘outplaying’ trinkets/defensives and the subtlety toolkit with 2x dance, 2x vanish, 6 sec subterfuge is lets be honest absolutely Ludacris but the damage outside of my immense toolkit and CDR is very underwhelming.
after stacking all my modifiers (dance, blades, trinket, darkest night, finality, Thistle Tea, Danse Macabre, Secret Stratagem, Deeper Stratagem, Dark brew, Find Weakness, etc)
i give the enemy everything i got a crit him for FACE MELTING 900k! Eviscerate which just manages to remove a Power Word: Shield, Fantastic! My team mate can now do some real damage while i turn into an annoying C**t and triple cheap shot the rest of the enemy team to make them rage trinket so i can 2x vanish CDR a blind sap before the healers trinket comes back off CD and pray my team mate doesn’t press ANY of his buttons to break my insane 63x R1 rogue outplays
in all serious though just remove all the modifiers, remove 1 dance charge, give me back 100 energy and make my abilities actually do some damage then thistle tea’s +100 energy might actually be engaging to use and I’m not just pressing it because i need the +20% mastery to add to the list of modifiers.
this might be a hot take but with 1 dance charge and some damage tuning it would make Sub less frustrating for others to play against because they won’t be sat in Micro p*ss triple cheap shot gouge CC spams and make shadow dance an exciting ability to press and not just having to press it to do any sort of meaningful damage.
let me know your thoughts!