Sub Rogue - Shadow Dance CDR

Regarding Sub Rogue Talent trees in pvp
Since they nerfed shadow dance cdr because of Vanish CDR a while back. Now would be the perfect time to put it back like it was before 0.8 seconds per combo point


You’re right, they made less cooldown of Shadowblades , but they forgot about this talent. But I’m afraid that this won’t happen in the near future, I’m afraid that sub in pvp will be unplayable this whole season. They fixed the flagellation, it looks like they think the sub is strong

DEAR DEVELOPER, please can you just try sub rogue in soloshuffle? You will suffer, because everyone who is not lazy will hang DR on the target you want to give your damage to, but your damage occurs once every 1.5 minutes. I’m already silent about the fact that this damage is covered by any fart, whether it’s save ability or cc. Absolutely unplayable. In order for you to do something in solo shuffle, there must be a million conditions that match

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