Sub rogues in wild

How do you folks handle sub roge? Last time I pvp-ed proper was 2nd season. I am currently playing on my arms, though if I don’t have my trinket I appear to be dying in a single stunlock? I have full honor set conquest 4 piece and conquest 2 hander.

I can win at times when I get the opener or get them out of stealth with shouts (I do apply bleeds etc) but in general it seems too easy for them to just vanish and reset their opener even if they mess it up? Any advise would be appreciated!

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Sub Rogues are just super crazy atm, and there isn’t much most classes can do about it without a trinket, followed by some quick thinking. :weary:

As a fellow Hunter, best you can do is:

Trinket → Ice Trap → kite while placing a tracking on him → burst + stun.

Then be ready on your defensive CDs, place an extra trap between you and him, and be ready to place a Flare if he tries to re-stealth.

Also, the good old Scatter Shot → Explosive Shot → Death Chakrem combo does wonders if he catches up to you, since it gives you a nice combo chain while he is incapacitated. :slightly_smiling_face:

I tried that experienced ones tend to use shadowcloak moment they see the trap animation–same deal with warrir spell reflecting pre charge etc—Tbh I am having far easier time against them on my arcane mage

Yeah Mage is a great way to counter Rogues, since they have great toolkit, like the ability to break stuns using Blink.

That’s how WoW works. The classes are like rock, paper, scissor :slightly_smiling_face:

But Hunter can do a few things too, as long as the environment allows it… Or the rogue isn’t too familiar with Hunter combos.

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