Subscription Went through but my money came back

Hi there, recently (11.12.2024) i bought a month of subscription for WoW, It was all good until today i got the money back from my bank saying “Your purchase was failed” or something, i heard that people that get the money back but keep the sub got banned and those sorts of things, i’m really paranoid because of this cause i cant lose all my games fro this bug, i got the money on my account, i sent a ticket and i hope its still good. I always after subbing cancel my sub just because i don’t always have the money on my account and i don’t want to be charged on - or something if thats even possible, i really need help guys cause like i said im paranoid about those sorts of things.

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Generally what will happen is that since your payment bounced, your subscription will end up cancelled. You will likely be able to re-sub again.

In other cases is when customers/players use a fraudulent chargeback and get their money back but their account ends up banned until they repay it back through a very roundabout way and/or potential extra penalties since it’d hurt Blizzard’s bottom line with merchant fees.

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