Sudden change to trial status on my account

Hi! Recently purchased a sub, more than 3 days ago, and I’ve been playing with some friend, hosting the party, and interacting with paid account features.
A few moments ago, I’ve tried creating a party and inviting people into the group, and I get the free trial status message in chat, without being able to invite anyone? Mind you this is happening while I’m playing in my level 70 character

What happened? Can I fix it from my side?

Check the transaction history. You can find it on the account page. It is possible the payment failed for some reason.

The payment went through, I’ve used the sub before, and I haven’t bought one in years.
Transaction history also states that it went through

One stupid question … But did u buy new expansion ww? Since looking by your gear u have all shadowlands gear.
And if u dont have new expansion will mark u as trial.

While not impossible, that should not be happening, as a wow sub on it´s own includes all content up to and including Dragonflight.

OP should definitely submit a support ticket, because with an active sub you are not a trial anymore and should be allowed full access to all content and features applicable to your level range, regardless of which expansions you purchased or didn´t purchase.

This is incorrect. Having no subscription will put your account into veteran status with pretty much the same restrictions as a trial.

Not buying the expansion does not affect your account status.

If the transaction has completed I would suggest changing your password to force the account to update. If that does not work you may need to contact support.