Suffering from success

TLDR: Not enough quest mobs or quest items and to long respawns to house so many players. (not enough layers?)

There are so many players present in world that getting your quest item or quest mob can be really hard as you compete with others. Partying can sometimes solve this problem but it’s but a tiny bandage that will not work that great most of the time.

Even outside the peak player time there are some areas you still would want to avoid like Hilsbrad farms is good example. Where many single named mobs have to be defeated and there is waiting line of several parties.
During peak it becomes really ridiculous, you just watching grass grow in hope that maybe next spawn you’ll might be able to tag, it is but a chance tho. Layer swap will not help, you just enter the exact same scenario on another layer.
Trying out mage AoE farm can be fun, if you can look pass the fact the there are many other players trying it out and just about every second mage that run into you will try to mess you up or even kill you in attempt to avoid sharing the farm spot. And I get it, ppl are frustrated that they cannot play the game, it bothers me to.

But this is impossible for players to deal with, it has to be Blizzard making changes to the game that make it account for just how many ppl play the game atm. Some sort of dynamic spawn even for Named mobs. Or maybe more layers.

It wouldn’t be to much surprise at this point if people just quit the game for sole reason, well that they can’t play the game. Likely not something you want to happen over a situation that has possible solutions.

Which realm are you referring to? I play on Soulseeker and i did not encounter this issue once. Even on Peak times, grouping up solved every problem.

You blow this way out of proportion. It may be like this on the normal realms but certainly not on hardcore.
Unless, of course, you are a retail baby and cant wait 3 minutes.


Soulseeker. This been ongoing issue, however I could understand this happening over Christmas holiday as everyone has free time to play. But it keeps happening not just on weekends but even mid week.
I don’t think it’s overblown. There is limit to respawn timers (unless dynamic) to number of layers and so on. Currently HC is very popular and have a lot of players.
You saying " I did not encounter this issue once". Not even ONCE? That seem like you already talk nonsense sorry mate.

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Is more like my theory is accurate. You are probably a retial tourist and don´t have the least bit of patience.
Tell me a specific location that is “overrun” (Horde) and i´ll tell you where you are wrong.

Do you see my mana tho?

Well. You are indeed behaving like pirate as in you don´t see that you are wrong. Maybe you should be hunted next.

Rogues don’t have any mana, so of course no.

Literally just did those Hilsbards farms, some mages aoe farming, a lot of players, but respawn timers were good no probs. Higher you level up less people.