can blizzard do ANYTHING about GDKPs before they just run the whole server
GDKPs is already starting to pop up
GDKP is a fine loot system if it didnt controll and effect so much about the game when everyone just start doing it
i returned to WoW have not played since WoD
played since vanilla to WoD when they was retail
GDKP was not this bad but in returning in classic is like WTF have i returned to
GDKP is basically making you required to buy gold or farm gold 25 hours per day (not a typo i really meant 25hours in a day that is 24 hours)
and making the bot issue really bad
can atleast SoD be safe from GDKPs and something from blizzard themself to put a stopper on GDKPs once and for all
i dont care about giving any feedback about what SoD needs and so on
until this issue is fixed before it really become a problem as it 100% will in later phases if people already starting now with GDKPs
GDKP is the Main thing that need a fix to if SoD is “vanilla plus” before anything else
GDKP when everyone do them just do more issues than it solves and its clear on Wotlk classic servers
its to the point either you need BIS(not even pre raid) to join OR you need to have gotten like x20 wow token in order to run any raid or guild
making the PVE content of Wotlk classic unplayable if you came late even if you having pre ICC raid BIS
videos about how bad GDKP just is for the game and why there need to be something to stop it or atleast not make it “meta”:
watch these kind of videos from Metagoblin GDKP is killing the game overall
sure you specific get a nice run of a raid and can buy a BOP with gold
but it just has too huge effects for the worse for alot of parts of the game even outside raiding when every run start do it as clearly seeing in wotlk classic servers
We are safe
all of its contained in Living flame. So the rest of us are saved, does seem it has fully set up on that server tbh.
Streamers are the biggest gold buyers on the market. Ofcourse this was gonna happen there. It isnt bannable however trading gold for service were allowed.
Just join SR BFD runs or a guild. It isn’t hard.
Well taking into account soda just got a slap on the wrist ![:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:](
Basically just gave the green card for every streamer. Now they know theyre safe.
its not just about me be able to join a run or guild
i am speaking for the game as a whole and what kind of effects GDKP do to this game as a whole
and its not pretty why i want GDKP to have done something about it
just try to look over a wotlk classic how bad it is there now and even in vanilla era
Its never gonna have something done about it, because its too popular. It litterally flooded LF a week in…
Too much support and blizz would ban far too many.
Ive seen no gkdp realistically outside living flame servers, your way out is already there. You cant have both ways.
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You think you do, but you don’t.
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I don’t really notice GDKP offers anywhere but LF trade chat tbh, it’s pretty safe in here.
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they starting to pop up now
just from like 30min ago there was one who spammed a GDKP run
and the other day i saw 4 different runs
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I’ve seen 1 GDKP on wild growth and a couple on lone wolf Alliance and Horde but nothing in comparison to LF. The AH prices for gear is insane, like 20-30 gold on level 25 greens. I fear for the longevity of this season, I really do
Id love blizzard to ban GDKP.
But honestly there is not much you can do, instead of laughing at people making raids with GDKP.
And luckily I have only seen like 1 GDKP raid in Chat on my server.
i dont fully think some of those lvl25 green with 20-30g price tag is a GDKP problem complety
some of those items is just BIS or preBIS so ofc they will sell for a good chunk of gold with / without GDKP
but GDKP is a problem still for every player pretty much even non raiders
since it effects too much around the game on how much gold there is and the botting
so for a casual player to “keep up” they kinda need to buy gold even if not raiding becuase AH prices go up becuase of people got alot of gold from GDKP runs
or buying gold becuase of GDKP runs
GDKP when everyone do them just do more issues than it solves and its clear on Wotlk classic servers
its to the point either you need BIS(not even pre raid) to join OR you need to have gotten like x20 wow token in order to run any raid or guild
making the PVE content of Wotlk classic unplayable if you came late even if you having pre ICC raid BIS
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Just finished my first BFD GDKP half an hour ago.
10/10 would GDKP again.
nice you are helping in making bot problem worse
and legit ignoring all of the side effects GDKP runs has on the game
thanks for starting to make the game worse
Gdkp is great. Ive done more than 10 regular bfd so far and won 1 item only. Last night i joined gdkp and managed to buy 3 items. It’s definitely my way to go for further raids as a casual dad
1 of the side effect GDKPs also do
making Gearscore also becoming the meta
its fine a raid leader dont want bad gear
but as i said over in wotlk it has reached a point where you either need to be one who bid and win all the gear aka buy gold
you need to have gear from the raid since the gearscore requirement to join is so high its higher than pre-raid bis
becuase they need people with good gear to carry them who buy theirs raid slot basically
and then it just become the game of gearscore and even bad players will be able to get now becuase of buying gold
sure you had fine runs and thats good and all
but the problem is when GDKP is just every raid run
legit can make the game PVE content unplayable becuase you was late to join SoD, dont wanna buy gold, dont have time to farm gold 25 hours in a day to keep up + have to deal with botters
think of GDKPs and theirs effects like “climate change” sure non effect on you specific right now and 1 GDKP run could not hurt
like not saving on energy when not used could not hurt to do afew times
but now imagine if everyone does it every day
so better stop it before it become a real problem and just destory the world(i am talking about both things here and making it unplayable/unlivable)
GDKP runs when its the main runs that is done just has too huge effect for the game as a whole so it can just become unplayable for some people basically or a Very pay(real money not gold)2win game
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This just encourages people to buy gold though
I don’t care as long as i manage to farm gold on my own during the week
same kind of mindset that is the reason climate change irl is a problem
so thanks for that you can be part of blame whenever the trade chat is full of GDKP runs
and the only way to join is either buy gold basically becuase as soon people buy gold in those runs you just have to farm like you was a bot or maybe just get a bot
GDKP just encourages to botting/buy gold too much it has major effects for even non raiders
and as soon people overall is geared enough
new people is unable to join later becuase either you need to pay2win OR already have the gear to join runs
preraid BIS is not enough to join a raid at that point