Suggested Improvement to the new gear upgrade system

As a high mythic plus key player (20+ keys) and farming gear, I find it silly to have to farm 11-15 keys just to get my wyrm crests to upgrade the gear I get from 20+ keys, while you guys can make it so when someone reaches the maximum limit of a type of crest and still persist to do the levels at witch that type of crest drop the game should reward with the type of crest lower than the one that should be earned but capped.

for example, when I reach the cap for aspect crests then doing 16+ dungs, should give wyrm crests instead, rather than having to do 11-15 keys for the sake of upgrading my gear.

hope this suggestion gets taken seriously.

Yours truly


I like the idea in fact, this week I had to do 14x +11 keys to get max Wyrm fragments which is annoying tbh, I hope Blizzard act to this as its pretty good suggestion.

Yes please…

i will share this.

Actually if you guys where listening and keep an eye out, blizzard already said this that know that this is exact the problem. And they are thinking about some way like you said to be doing.

This is logical so i support this

we are still waiting brother

They already said the solution only comes in S3 not this season.

The existing crest and fragment arrangement certainly contributes to inventory management concerns. While I can’t promise anything at this early stage, moving crests to the Currency tab is under serious consideration and I think it’s more likely to happen than not for next season. Additionally, having players capped on a given tier of crest getting the next tier down as fallback rewards is under discussion.

And yes, I did implicitly reveal that our current tentative plans are that this system will be iterated on for Season Three.

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