Suggested Triune Ward & Purge changes

Nah thats to strong… you can’t give a class with as many tools as Mage a non dispel able shield that big. They should instead add a higher mana cost to classes that can spam purge so they have to do it intelligently and not just spam it over and over mindlessly.

There needs to be counter play to things, we need to see more skilful use of ability’s in PvP rather than fire and forgot kind of ability’s that have no counter play.

Nope, these are warmode solo pve talents (and legendary, obiously) xD

What talents are you paying as Frost in the comp you mentioned? just out of curiosity because Warrior Mage Healer even with Frost is a pretty durable comp.

Well, the warrior is usually out doing warrior’s buisiness, chasing healers and melting faces, while I’m trying to survive 2 melees on my own. The novas/slows are getting dispelled, poly too, when I manage to cast it.

The problem majorly is not that I can’t survive long enough, but that I can’t effectively do much damage while under pressure, apart from instant casts.

What talents would you suggest anyways?

Borrowed powers have also been the major selling point for the last three expansions. They are a handy way of having something new without having to be creative.
I doubt they will give up that business model.

Warrior shouldn’t be out on his own banging healers while you’re stuck in the back dying all game. Should be on the melees cleaving and helping you survive with Disarms, Intervenes etc.

I’d suggest something like Ice Nova, Shimmer, Rune of power is useful with Ice form for big shatters, Chain reaction could work vs melees if you play Freezing Rain with it to get orbs faster, otherwise frozen touch, Ring of Frost, Either Comet Storm or Freezing Rain and I’d probably play Ray of Frost, but some people use Thermal Void from what I’ve seen.

I’m not to sure how good Frost is in a comp like that though, due to it being run over easily by certain comps. Its okay in caster cleaves though, mainly something like Mage Lock X, Mage SP X and Mage Ele X.

While Fire Mage and Holy Pala combination is probably the best thing in arena I think that there are still more broken things like Reign of the Endless kings that aren’t the best they are just frustrating to play against.

Its actually not on its own, or you’d see it dominate 2s. Its when you put it with another durable caster like SP and Ele that they become unkillable if played properly.

Who cares about 2s mate. I’m talking about bracket that theoretically the game is balanced about. People care too much about 2s that are in fact meaningless rock - paper - scissors. Holy Pala + Fire Mage elevates most of the specs to broken status in 3s.

No one, but the point still stands, if those 2 were the best comp together in game, you’d see it all over the 2s ladder. Thats why I made the point of saying its when you put it into a caster cleave it becomes a problem.

Not really because Arms/Fire/H Pala Rogue/Fire/H Pala, WW/Fire/H Pala and even DH/Fire/H Pala are S tier comps

Arms Fire Hpally dies to God comp (Mage,SP,Hpally), RMP is better than RMPala because of mindgames, WW Fire Dies to also God Comp… everything dies to god comp or Ele Mage.

Doesn’t matter if it dies to godcomp if it’s good against anything else. The point of being S tier comp is having the biggest amount of good matchups. Godcomp dies to RMPala and Ele/Mage dies to Shadowplay.

Do we need spam-purging to be more effective against mages? It is bad enough that our entire toolkit can be purged off already. Let’s maybe not make the job easier for enemy team on that end.

Just reducing the absorb sounds more reasonable.

Not so sure about that one. Or else Method would have played RMPala into Skill capped’s god comp if it was a favourable match up. Yes I used AWC as an example, but it is very relevant since Method has the best RMPala/RMP in EU and they didn’t want any of it.

I think they should make purge have a bigger draw back, it should OoM the class much much faster if they are spamming it to encourage intelligent use over mindless spam.

Should every purge have the cost of spellsteal, then? Or maybe a CD?

No no not like that, but if they spam is so much it should OoM them much faster, Rsham is a big one for this actually. I’ve seen it mentioned a few times, that they don’t OoM while spamming purge all game.

It should just tax the class alot more so they have X amount of purges in the tank before it OoMs them, hopefully that discourages people spamming it over and over to get every single buff off repeatedly, even if its completely trivial to their win condition.

For example, right now a Rsham can spam purge Rdruid hots all game long without any draw back, if it taxed their mana then they wouldn’t be able to do that over course of an entire game (unless its very short) without OoMing and would have to prioritise doing it only on their go’s for example, or for stripping off important buffs like BoP or Combustion etc.

AWC is a bad example because Skill Capped could play Ele/Fire and then Godcomp 2 levels above everyone else and that’s why it looked good. If anyone else would do it it wouldn’t be as impressive. Bakka/Saza/Drainer looked good but not nearly as impressive.

I disagree since Method has the best Rogue Mage anything comps in Europe, but avoided playing it into God Comp. If it was good into it they would have certainly played it to gain an edge. That’s why in my opinion is very relevant in this situation, I generally avoid using AWC as a bench mark but if the best RMX players in EU won’t play it into God Comp if it was a good match up for them then there’s a very good reason for it.

Also Skillcapped hasn’t played Fire Ele since Zeepeyes ban, ever since its been God Comp or Warrior Mage. Very few Ele’s can play the comp to the same degree Maro and Zeepeye did.

But then why nobody played godcomp on NA. C9 played it very well in the past with Snutz on Spriest but during finals they played MLD as it’s their comfort pick. AWC is not the best example as it’s a lot about comfort picking.