Suggested Triune Ward & Purge changes

Even though I defended it towards the start of the season… I’ve changed my opinion on it and it really should be changed to help balance Mage as a class out. Mage shouldn’t have this amount of survivability to them. Mainly when paired up with other casters like Ele’s and SP’s etc.

My suggestion would be to remove the 3 Barriers, make it give 1 Barrier that has all effects of the other specs (Prismatic, Frozen, Blazing), but granting the effects of the other specs to a 50% lesser degree while maintaining the primary specs effect at 100%. Then have the Barrier give 100% of its normal absorb like it normally would without Triune (currently reduce to 50% per shield with Triune) with an extra 20% absorb added by the legendary (current design has 150%, so that nerfs it to 120% absorb). This change makes Triune far less effective at covering other buffs like Combustion making purge far more effective against Mages and also nerfs the absorb by 30% lessening their survivability.

In my opinion this still keeps Triunes defensive value while also making it easier to deal with. Yes comps that don’t have a purge will still have to go through a 120% shield, melee cleaves come to mind when I say that. Currently I’ve seen melee cleaves tare through the current iteration of Triune in 1 - 3 seconds without their dmg CD’s, based on that I personally think having a 120% absorb to deal with along with the reduce added effects is fine in my opinion atleast, due to the extra up time and disruption some of the melees have gained this expansion.

So to round it up, it should look something like: Triune Ward grants an extra 20% absorb to your Blazing/Prismatic/Frost Barrier. Also improves your Barrier adding the additional specs effects at a 50% reduced effect.

Ontop of that change they should increase the mana costs of purge on classes that can spam it so it taxes them if they spam it over and over to constantly strip any and every buff off repeatedly. Hopefully that will encourage intelligent use it over freely spamming it.

For example right now a Rsham can spam purge Rdruid hots all game long without any draw back, if it taxed their mana then they wouldn’t be able to do that over course of an entire game (unless its very short) without OoMing and losing on mana. They would have to prioritise doing it only on and just before their go’s for example, or for stripping off important buffs like BoP or Combustion etc.


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Sounds cool, but the purge hate train would roll in soon enough. Not everyone is unbiased like you, when it comes to “nerfs” regarding their main class…

Tbh I got a really good suggestion too: Just disable Legendaries and Covenants in PvP, or make borrowed power not define your class/spec and instead supplement it.

Triune Ward, Mortal Strike Legendary, 100% Crit Legendary, Convoke, Condemn, Divine Toll, Hunt, Fleshcraft, Seed, Frenzied Regen Conduit, Restealth Conduit, all the Covenant Spell Enhancing Conduits, why are they all making your spec broken instead of being a small boost…?

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Its pretty obvious from that Ion interview why they are using borrowed power mechanics so that will never happen

They said they use borrowed powers so we wouldnt have 7 additional talent rows by now or 15 more spells.

While that makes sense, borrowed power should never be as powerful as it is like Corruption or like Covenants.

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The entire idea of putting so much into borrowed power is they’re balancing the classes with that in mind. Without it, many classes would just feel worse to play. it will just never happen, the most you can hope for is that they put some kind of nerf/limit when they allow us to wear extra legendaries. You’d literally have to re-tune entire classes if you removed covenant/legendary powers in arena.

It isn’t just that you have extra spells/ talents, its that they can remove the things they’ve added in the next expansion to make new ones.

Either way, it’ll never happen.

dude, just face it, theyre not really balancing anything right now

I’m not gonna defend it for sure but tbh if mage didn’t get that, they would die so easily VS the os meta we got now.

They have :block 5min cd (reduced with a soul bind I know)

-And cheta death for fire 3min which can be countered with MG or huge dmg or even with a cc on healer.

-arcane has temp shield (purgeable).

And I don’t even count alter time cause it can get purged too.

So if we keep that in mind they have close to nothing to survive especially now with warrior meta and infinite charge.

It is true that spam purging is a problem, Rsham specifically though not game wide. There needs to be a draw back to just spamming it constantly so people have to use it intelligently.

You’re forgetting Nova, use mobility and Poly to peel themselves. Mage is not suppose to just face tank dmg, their suppose to avoid the dmg with the CC and mobility they have. You’ll see this while watching a R1 Mage, they do that extremally well along with the other CD’s you mentioned make them very hard to kill in the hands of a skilled player.

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For sure but a lot of comp with huge mobility or stuff like freedom paired with insane dmg is just horrible to play against.

Most of people have in mind rmx as the ultimate face roll comp but I swear it’s hard to play especially at high rating vs stuff like turbo or ret/warrior.

They probably need to reduce the absorb and let the xpac stay like that otherwise if they nerf survivability they will never came back.

Mages can literally steal big cooldowns from other classes

nothing is easy when your opponent is on the same lvl as you, but the community loves to shame other meta classes/comps.

My low rated take:
Sounds pretty reasonable.

Although, as already said, the spam-purging may get problematic then. But perhaps other legendaries may step in instead then?

It’s a little sad to see that most mages in the top ranks just use Triune. I would much rather see more offensive ones being used.

Yes, exactly.
Triune is not a SUPER strong defensive, as it viewed by community. Its added absorb bonus equals 12% Max HP after versatility multiplication.
Yes, those extra 50% equals 12% Max HP every 25s.
Which is somewhat 3.5-4k extra healing.
Which is somewhat 150 hp per second.

Is that decent? Yes. Broken? Hardly (even 1 stolen druid’s HOT outheals that).
Is that much better than other legenadries? Probably not. Depends.

Triune ward real value lies in purge protection for FIRE mages.
(And in magic CC reduction on mage if you don’t focus them)

That is huge indeed. But, again, ONLY for fire mages – since they are so vulnerable to Combustion purge.
As frost I’m not as reliant on purge, therefore I don’t use this legendary.

Making this change won’t make things much easier for non-purge comps vs mage. But it will definitely trivialize them for purge comps.

This is hardly a good design.

This is like saying hybrid off heals are not overpowerd because they dont heal that much the problem is when it stacks with other abilities/conduits.

Feral for example the offheals are fine untill you spec into strength of the wild and you get 100% crit chance on teammates with a 50% reduced cast time.

Wog is fine untill a ret uses wings and gets a 20% extra chance to crit and the increased healing of the healing hands talent.

Triune ward is fine by itself thats not the problem the problem is you can use the shields to cover alter time / combust while also having the diverted energy conduit that heals the mage for 40% of all damage absorbed by the shields while also been able to reset the shields with shifting powers if you dont have a purge for the shields mage healing at the moment is on par with other hybrid specs.

If you play mage and you are not using triune ward even as frost you are just putting yourself at a major disadvantage you should get that conduit if you dont have it already put together with the ice block heal conduit frost mages are pretty much immortal it also reduces the effects of spell abilities hoj / spriest silence because of prismatic barriers effect.


Make it 2 shields with same power at the very least. To provide some purge protection for combust…but 3 shields on top of fire procs on top of intel on top of healer buffs are just too much…but thats from sp perspective of purge spamming class…idk about those that cannot dispell anything.

This is partly correct, its broken when you put a Mage with another caster such as an SP, Ele. Then a Mage with Triune that plays well is basically unkillable until high dampening, even to a melee cleave. But a Mage playing something like RMP or example is a different story, its not as broken because the Mage doesn’t have another caster that can help it survive so you eventually run out of CD’s if you can’t win soon enough.

Also if you set things up properly you don’t even need the Barriers to cover your Combustion. Its valuable for every mage spec due to the large absorb that can be used almost like a Battle Master trinket to save you procing and Ice Blocking along with the cover it provides for your Alter Time and Combustion. Also the passive slow and magic CC reduction & dmg it provides are very strong into every type of comp, the extra dmg off Blazing is trivial compared to those effects.

That was exactly my experience playing as Frost+Arms+Hpal vs hard melee-cleaves.
I can live for 2 ice blocks and Alter, but that’s it. If we fail to land a kill in that time, I’m dead with 2 zug-zugs sitting on me 24/7.
I was swapping for Triune back and forth and it didn’t make any difference whatsoever.

Are the talents you have select now what you are playing in that comp?

Triune ward giving one big shield (with effects) could be nice but also add not dispellable.
Mage are quite squishy without it…
The real problem (that you point out) is protecting combustion behind 3 buffs.
If it’s only one shield (or even 3) but not dispellable, combustion will be easier to purge.

Now on purge :
DH has consume magic 10 sec cd
Hunt tranq shot 10 sec cd
Mage spellsteal spamable but cost 21% mana
Warlock Felhunter devour magic 15 sec cd
I have no problem with those, they have a cd or high cost

The problem is for those (i’m not counting mass dispell big cost/big cd)
Priest dispel magic spamable cost 1.6% mana => and you can reduce it even more with conduit
Shaman purge spamable cost 8% mana (for resto sham because -20% cost for this spec)
Maybe a cd would be nice ?
Or maybe the real problem is big offensive cd like combu being way too much and thus requiring quick dispell of it ?
Or even Both ? :slight_smile: