Suggestion (20th Anniversary event): Ozzy Osbourne's return from Northrend

Many people will remember the famed ‘Mr. T’ TV Commercial from the early 2000s. However, a year or so, later, there was another ad for the game that would become among the most iconic in TV history: The WOTLK ad which had the prince of darkness himself face off against Arthas the Lich King.

I think it would be a massive miss, if Blizz wasn’t to dive at this opportunity.
My suggestion would be create a (small) questline, involing Ozzy’s character from the ad. One thing the questline could cover is to reveal the cliffhanger from the original ad, as we never saw the end of this battle between princes and could potentially reward the players with an ingame version of Ozzy’s iconic glasses, as a cosmetic item (the frames we got in the game are similar, so it would mostly just need a recolored variant).

Ozzy himself has faced some health issues over recent years, but appears to be getting back on track. With him reaching the impressive age of 76, not long after the usual conclusion of the anniversary.
Among the WoW ad, he has done actual voice work for other games. Interviews and such suggest that he seemed to enjoy this a lot, too. So, another suggestion to add to my first, would be for Blizz to see if they can reach out to him, once more. Possibly getting him to record some voice lines to be used in the quest or his NPC character. Traveling has previously been revealed to problematic to Ozzy, but perhaps the recording progress of those lines could be done using his home studio.