Suggestion: Ability to dismount target while you are mounted

How about a mounted version of the net, but make it close range and longer cd? Could make the skies a bit more risky!

I love the current net, was a big improvement on the shell, but those unreachable hoverers would be fun to knock out of the sky.

As long as the mounted net’s range is close and longer cd, the target can potentially escape, so there’s no fairness issue.


Hahaha that would be fun!
Maybe as one of the mount upgrades that come in 8.2, but this one would add a special action button.

Btw, there might be some changes how mounting/flying work in War Mode, according to recent interview

Hazzikostas: … I think the biggest concern for us is probably actually the implications for War Mode. That’s something we’re continuing to discuss. And there are toys that will let you dismount, or restrict flight. We may end up wanting to play with those rules a little bit, in terms of, what are restrictions on flying if you have recently been in combat in War Mode, let’s say. Trying to navigate a middle ground where it’s not prohibitively punishing in a way that makes you turn off War Mode because it’s a nuisance.


That’s strange they are considering WM flying restrictions. The existing net already is the solution to restricting flying in WM. Works well. PvP solutions are always preferable. Those hoverers just need knocked down tho, air to air net!

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I think if they were to change something for WM it would be like “can’t fly for X seconds after a combat with an enemy player”, so players can still run, but can’t just fly away. Doesn’t really make much sense, just as putting any restrictions and changes for flying in WM at all. I guess Blizzard just trying to react to all those “No flying in War Mode” threads.

Yeah, I would love for solutions to be always in terms of what player can do, and not a restriction of what player can’t. Net is already great, and if there is an option to dismount from a flying mount - hahaha, flying pursuits will be much more fun!

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Could be fun. But you should get a parachute if you get dismounted mid-air by that item then. Not everyone has a spammable Slowfall so people will just plummet to their deaths without being able to do anything about it. I don’t think that’s good design.

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Ye, doesn’t make sense, there’s already a cast time for mounting. Unless a Druid hehe :slight_smile:

But… but… but… plummeting to death was the idea :slight_smile:

Parachute… maybe… but we already have Goblin glider, a PvP solution. It’s completely optional to plummet to death.

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There is no need for that. There will be a parachute mod for mounts in 8.2, so you could ether put dismounter or this parachute. And there are also slow fall items, quite a few of them that any class can use.

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That’s true. I was writing a reply about how I think a mid-air net would do more harm than good, but they could tie this in with the new mount system and tell people about it.

Alright. I’m won over. One more mid-air net advocate.


Awesome, I’m looking forward to netting and watching them float down to me. But at same time, I hope most will not equip the chute hehe :slight_smile:

Okay that’s 3 advocates, should be enough! C’mon blizz do it!


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