Why ALL the five incursion’s quests still aren’t able to be completed in a raid?
This can and would fix the sharding issues around incursion area and War Mode with completely imbalance between the two factions.
Right now you have the issue of 3-5 people of a faction facing a huge number of people from the other faction.
If you make this change and keep the bonus % for the dominated faction (as a reward for the open world non-incursion area faction imbalance), while leaving Against Overwhelming Odds as a 5 man group quest only, you will have a true " Against Overwhelming Odds" where you would have to go possible face higher number of enemy players.
Also WPVP especially around Incursion areas which are a meeting point for the two factions will be better and more competitive. You can possible have a raid versus raid fighting over a quest.
That is the whole point of having a quest like that right? For open world faction imbalance (and not incursion area as i wrote earlier).