Hello there,
One of the heroic talents available to the Mistweaver Monk is the Conduit of the Celestials, which is very often used in raids and for which I’d like to suggest a modification in a heroic talent point.
The Heart of the Jade Serpent heroic talent point necessarily requires the mistweaver monk to choose the Sheilun’s Gift specialisation talent. However, most of the time in raids, players decide not to use the Sheilun’s Gift because it doesn’t lend itself at all to the configuration of a raid group. I’ll let you have a look at Warcraft Logs.
As a result, the heroic talent point Heart of the Jade Serpent appears in red in the heroic talent tree and the mistweaver monk loses a talent point for nothing. To remedy this problem, I’d suggest offering the mistweaver monk a heroic talent node that would let him choose between the Heart of the Jade Serpent as usual or another heroic talent point devised by the developers that would allow the mistweaver monk not to lose this talent point unnecessarily.
Another talent point that would also refer to Yu’lon (like the Heart of the Jade Serpent) but with a strictly different trigger than the Sheilun’s Gift.
What are your thoughts on this?