Suggestion: add flag capture objective to all BfA zones

With bounties and air drops, we have two random PvP objectives in WM that spawn based on WPvP activity. It could be fun to have a third random PvP objective spawned by WPvP activity, capture the flag! It could be an actual flag, or something else like a resource in a cart that you have to drag.

This suggestion would not be a quest, and not designed to turn WM into a battleground. It would be a companion WPvP activity to bounties and air drops, with similar aspects. Bounties and air drops are fun random PvP objectives in BfA zones. They work well in non team based WPvP, yet co-op can naturally happen through self interest, and sometimes co-op can be organized. It could be fun to add an additional objective along those lines, with each objective being a potential influence on the other two.

  • The flag can spawn in a random location after significant zone WPvP activity.
  • Flag will always be visible to both factions on map.
  • Each faction will have their own random capture location, only visible on map to their faction. However, both factions will see the capture location on ground when close enough to it.
  • Slowed while holding flag, no stealth, ground mount, or flying.
  • Flag can be dropped any time or on death, but if not picked up after x seconds it is lost.
  • If leave zone or shard with flag, log out, join an instance, etc., flag is dropped at its current location, and will be lost after x seconds.
  • Flag capture reward can be same as for bounty or air drop.
  • The same reward can be given to allies that assisted in flag capture, by spending x continuous time within the flag circle unmounted, and being unmounted inside the flag circle when it’s capped.
  • Keep it simple for allies, damage/healing doesn’t need taken into account, as with bounties and air drops. Although some will not PvP within flag circle, failing to do so will have a direct effect on success.

You think of it like a World Quest?

Nope not a quest. Same concept as bounties and air drops. The flag would just spawn based on WPvP activity, same as bounties and air drops. Same reward too. I updated my op at the top to make that clearer.

Hmm, I don’t know… It feels very battlegroundish and very little random pvpish :thinking:

I don’t mind getting pvp objects in WM, but this feel so organized I don’t feel it belongs in WM.

Maybe it’s just me who can’t see your idea clearly :man_shrugging:

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Ey, I put this out there to be tested, if it aint good for WM it aint good for WM.

But, thinking about how it could work: A random, not all the time event, similar to the randomness of the bounty and air drops. It would not be that different an objective as those two, and could fit into WM.

Maybe the flag is even picked up from an air drop, that could be fun. For example, Horde capture the air drop, start taking the flag back to a capture point, Alliance then try to stop them and take it for themselves.

The actual how it would work can be figured out. But in essence the flag would be a similar idea to capturing a bounty, except it’s visible on map to both factions, and either can capture it.


Aaah, now this I can see :slight_smile:

This certainly would bring some extra fun in :+1:


Ey cool, gonna reword the op a little to make clearer. Man, I edit too much, tried to reduce the text but still list the aspects of how it would work.


I like this kind of random PvP event, hehe!
And just to justify all those 26 edits - damn I never saw this many, hehe - Maybe additional randomness could make it even more interesting.

I hope it would not be flags. Something like - “hey, there is a cargo plane crashed nearby… or Dark Iron Mole machine broke… with very important cargo …”, and then there could be a one of the few possible “cargo”, like

  • Big heavy something, and it needs to be “I’ll handle this. Don’t drop my lumber” style.
  • Small but dark/cursed something, that won’t slow, but will still prevent stealth and also deal damage over time.
  • Something silly, like make character and those around, both friends and enemies, very light - jump 10x higher, but can’t be healed or affected by any fall damage reductions. Those affected also prone to spontaneous jumps.
  • Scared robot of doom, that you need to carry, but if there is any fighting going on - robot gets more scared and will one-shot a random player (on any side) after 1 min, then again if the fight didn’t stop…
  • etc…, different “affixes” for said flag/cart/cargo.

And those affixes/themes can change how this particular “flag” is approached by both defenders and attackers.



I didn’t noticed before you pointed it out

I would really love this - can’t wait to see the incomming post with “I hate this robot, I’m the only getting killed by it” :joy:


I may have gotten a bit obsessed with trying to make the suggestion clear :smiling_face:

Ye doesn’t have to be an actual flag, tho that would be the simplest to implement. But ye, lots of potential for variety. I could see this being a fun activity in wm!


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