[Suggestion] Buying Old Currencies With Plunder

Originally shared this on Reddit, but I was asked to post this here to get more eyes on the idea, and if we’re lucky, hopefully get at least some version of it implemented in-game.

This image explains everything but I’ll also provide a text transcript of the image below.

There are achievements for collecting 250,000 and even 1,000,000 Plunder, but the rewards end at 70,000 Plunder, which is achievable within 2 days. And the event lasts for a month!

Could we do something about this?

Don’t get me wrong—many of us enjoy the plunderin’ just as it is… (There are dozens of us!)

But as with anything, it’s more fun when you have something to work towards!

So here’s what I’d suggest.

For a long time now, the task of grinding old currencies (Dragon Isles Supplies, Grateful Offerings, Stygia, Seafarer’s Dubloons, Reservoir Anima, etc.) from past expansions has become a near-insurmountable chore, especially for new and returning players.

And it is a 20-year-old game, so you can bet there’s a lot to catch up on…

But what if we could use our excess Plunder to buy some of them?

At this point the only purpose these old currencies serve is to buy cosmetics, pets, mounts, etc. so there’s no gameplay advantage. And for those not interested in Plunderstorm, you can rest assured knowing you can still grind these out in the game as is — it’ll just be a bit slower.

It would just be something nice for people that enjoy the game mode to work toward.


That would make sense and would also be fun, which means it will never happen


Sounds amazing, wish this suggestion got more attention.

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I understand the idea, and if they want to do it, sure, why not.

But TBH I´m generally not a fan of taking a short lived event and making it into a way to grind out old content, esp when it has nothing to do with the actual game being played… Remix is a bit different, as it still resembles WoW and grinding out old cosmetics is the explicit purpose.

But old currency rewards for Plunderstorm, to me personally that feels like playing Diablo or Hearthstone for days to getting rewarded in WoW, as opposed to playing tehm because one enjoys them. And It also borks the participation metrics to a certain degree, making it harder for the devs to see what people actually enjoy and what they don’t… because everybody enjoys “free stuff” :wink:

Though specifically being able to buy boxes of Seafarer´s Doubloons would at least match thematically :beers:

If one currency can buy another - you might as well make them tradable off each other. Tell me why exactly, why plunder is above all these other currencies in value to you?

Oh wait. It’s because you enjoy the mode and want special treatment so you don’t have to do the other things.

You know, you can just grind the other currencies. It will just be a bit slower.

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Tbh the idea is good, the issue i have is plunderstorm.

I tried it for the first time 2days ago.

It is based off the same premise as fortnight except you dont build, honestly i cannot stand fortnight its just not for me at all.

If you could farm a wow token from the game i’d be in just for resell value, also having some of the buyables for use in other versions of wow would also be nice.

I know that its based on retail but wow is wow and itd have been nice for ppl on older versions to get somthing out of it not just ppl in retail wow.

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I hate plunderstorm it needs rewards worthy of the time investment to make me even bat an eye at it.

Wow tokens would be good either sellable or not thats a worthwhile reward and somthimg for ppl in classic. Anniversary sod,or cata would have been nice.

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Bonus for sneaking in the Arrested Development reference

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