Suggestion: faction wide bee mount

The Alliance can also use Kua’fon, once they unlock it on a Horde character.

It does seem an inconsistency that we do not get to use the Bee mount once unlocked.


I actually planned on unlocking the bee mount on my alliance character, because i thought it would be the same as the other 2 horde mounts.

Until i realized that it’s alliance only. Now i see no point in getting it.


The bee mount is tied to an Alliance-exclusive reputation. Thus, it can’t be used by Horde players.

You’d better ask for a bee recolor.


Now imagine if you raise you baby lama into a horde exclusive lama mount

The alliance will shed tears of Blood


The salty part of me wants this to be a reality


It should be, they got bees cause they cried, unique hippo model, all 3 variants of the forsaken mount, the motorcycle that they were never supposed to get, but new horde players can never obtain the Warlord’s Deathwheel cause its timegated.

We could have easily gotten Nazmir Kragwa catch flies and feed a baby frog til growth while Alliance has Bee as counterpart , but no.

Vulpera no alpaca mount is so stupid because Blizz wanted to avoid alliance backlash, when Dark Irons and Mechagnomes have unique mounts.

Kultirans a whole core race treatment.

Title Inquistor thru questing, and +1 rep

Kuafon, and the Direhorn are recolors nothing special never gonna use them.

I cant wait til Horde get something unique tbh just so I can say haha , wait haha mechagnome :wink:


I suppose that’s one unique thing we’ll have - Vulpera, while Alliance got a reskinned gnome with lego man arms. Muahaha

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Vulpera is not unique tho, they share everything a goblin does ! But yes definitely a one up

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Didnt they confirm an alpaca mount a few days ago ?

Edit: I probably never read the actual post " Alpacas are not the Vulpera Allied Race Mounts " L for Moe

We got reskined horses all expansion ,give us a break ok.


Could we remove faction restrictions from all mounts then ? I want goblin bike too.

how about no :stuck_out_tongue:

I leveled an Alliance DK for nothing because of this :frowning:

welcome to the good guys then!

They just want to make us play a dead faction with this bee mount.

Can’t you just roll an alliance character also?


It’s the only way to make things right and restore the balance.


Or we could just let them have the mount. It’s not like we’re gonna die if we don’t get it.

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The levels of salt in here are unreal… :salt: