Suggestion: faction wide bee mount

The levels of salt in here are unreal… :salt:


Balance? Hmmm so Pterrordax=Horse , Hyena=Horse , Flying blood spider thing=horse seems balanced to you. Yes i know that we can get reskins of those mounts as BoEs from trash but still there is no balance. Also you got 2 quest mounts (and yes i know after you unlock them on horde you can use them on alliance) while we finally get the 1. There is no balance only bias.

we have a hyena and blood spider on alliance side. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think they losers kind of won with that competition. The Alliance can always buy their mount :frowning:

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I’ll trade you all the bee mounts in the world for the Vulpera. :slight_smile: As an Alliance player, I haven’t even started the bee mount grind. Just not interested. I’d not care about a lama or alpaca mount. There are hundreds of mounts in the game, but only a handful of races.

It’s fine at least you can play with me :flushed:

And you got two unique mounts, bee and hippo, that Horde can’t use. You get to use Horde mounts and they aren’t even exclusive models. So yes, only with an exclusive model for the Horde is the balance going to be restored. I mean, I’m only asking for one unique model, not two like the Alliance has.

Than you my friend, don’t deserve a vulpera.

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Exactly this lol, and they get recolors of the hyena and prtredox , and the ones that come from horde quests + the mount vendor in zuldazar/boralus sells a direhorn too .

When horses make sense with amazing gryphon models yet they cry.

I have the bee on my alliance I dont mind only getting it on alliance, but I wanna see it on my horde mount journal, I will be salty about this cause of the negative feedback I got time and time again from alliance players just laughing and saying ill use kuafon to grind for my bee

I do love some of the new horse mounts but it’s a shame they couldn’t find some way of varying things from just horses for the reputations of the Alliance zones.

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If I was in charge the Drustvar Vendor would have sold a spectral Gryphon since we got a Spectral Pttredox , but a mount showcased at Blizzcon that made me so hyped is a shame that its only for one faction a very unique model with no counterpart

I’m probably the only player not excited by the spectral version. I loved the pinky purplely one though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

It’s not about war who’s gonna get better mount. Make love, not warcraft. All farmable mounts should be faction-wide, whether or not are they reputation-linked.

You used your game time to level up and gear opposite faction character to farm a mount, your reward should be mount usable on all characters. It’s just that simple.

P.S. And yes, they should bring back Deathwheel for 50k gold since the Horde won the contest.


I think it’s a legal technicality that wont let them bring it back sadly.

I think Bee is alliance only because it is good lure for faction transfer for some people. #balancefactions

And getting the bee on alliance is incentive enough to play that faction, making it locked for only one, a blizzcon showcased mount thats my point , faction exclusive mounts are gryphons/wyvrens

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You can have the Bee if we get the Bike.

You have the bike, you have the undeserved bike, but I am glad alliance got their version of the bike, sad thing is for horde it was time gated event only , alliance should have never gotten the bike , but I believe the guild vendor in stormwind sells it for you although the rightful winners cant purchase it , you also have the hippo when we have a wod recolor

tell you what. get rid of combat racials, and we will give you the bee

It’s too late to balance the factions…

If Blizz wanted to do that then they should have done something years ago…

Sure what’s your Battletag? :smirk: