suggestion - Replace all nods with a single vendor in a city for the corresponding commodity and cancel gathering professions until you can fix the botting problem…
I only farm herbs/ores until i got all KP’s, just want to complete that, not doing for gold. What i see during that 1 hour a week is infuriating… the world completely, absolutely, full of gathering bots… all doing the same moves, all moving in unison, it’s disgusting. (and i know, this is just a small part of the problem… plz deal with this problem)
Go to Zaralek Cavern, find a some mining/herb node and w8 1minute at that spot, it’s crazy, at least during night time. All landing at the same exact position, and when the node despawn they just hang around for a few seconds until they get it…
I can explain this from how I discovered a mining bot once in a cave in the waking shores
It was mining the air repeatedly without moving, occasionally finishing the animation, triggering a looting animation and then continueing to mine in the same spot with 0 ores around from the safety of a cave
I observed it for 30 minutes, it never stopped.
I saw castbars for the mining so it seemed like he really was clicking and looting things that are interactable through the mining profession
so as far as I know based off of that interaction, they don’t have to move around to get the nodes