Suggestion: Give Ret Paladins CR

I am one of those old farts who will probably never change classes. I played Paladin in the original classic, and I really enjoy playing (Ret) Paladin still. Sure, I’ve dabbled into Hunter, Warlock, Mage and even Demon Hunter on occasion, but I always return to my trusted holy knight before I even reach the level cap of anything else. I just don’t get as attached to the other characters (classes), as I do to the one I have been playing for all these years.

So, for a one-trick pony such as myself (and I am probably not the only one), the game is extra enjoyable when our class/spec is considered S or A tier, and slightly less so when it’s not. It’s not the gameplay, difficulty level or damage output that concerns me. I don’t mind not winning the DPS race all the time (though it is fun to top the list every now and then), but the perceived value of the spec is a concern. Ret Paladins are simply not perceived as strong/useful enough to warrant M+ PUG invites in most cases. Unless you have an insane RaiderIO score, that is.

I know a lot of Ret Paladins may argue that we have things like BoP, BoF and Cleanse to brag about, but compared to other classes with (way) higher mobility, Ring of Peace, CC, Shroud and all that jazz, we are, quite understandably, often overlooked.

I therefore humbly ask that Ret Paladins are given the opportunity to Combat Resurrect, quite simply to make us more useful in dungeons. It makes sense to me from a lore perspective. And it makes sense to me from a gameplay perspective, in order to improve the utility we bring to a party.

I do realize that doing so could result in some balancing issues for raids, it would mean an increase in the number of CRs available for boss encounters, after all. But as it currently stands, I do believe Ret Paladins could use with an ever so slight buff of some kind. I know damage buffs may seem sexier (and I certainly wouldn’t mind a minor increase in Holy dmg), but I do believe our biggest issue as it stands is our current lack of appreciable, stand-out utility.

Also, please bear in mind the fact that as a Ret Paladin, we cannot simply respec whenever our spec is considered inferior. Doing so would mean changing from DPS to Healer or Tank, which is not everyone’s cup of tea. This means we are way more affected when our spec is lower down on the pecking order.

As a holy paladin I would love to have a combat Res it would make my life so much easier. But I don’t see it happening. Bliz don’t tie cr to a spec they tie it to a class and giving holy a cr would make it too powerful in m+. For Ret I would also love to see it happen but we both know it would be a 5 combo point cast that would still see druid and dks favoured over us. Who has 4 gcds to wait for the Ret paladin to cr

My advice would be to go engi

I have eng and that br is the most stupid thing in the universe. Battle rez with a cast timer AND melee range only.
Imagine the fun in trying to rez someone that you have to find on the floor and be near to for 3 second while you are tanking. Genius!

I agree with OP 100%.

  1. The ability fits the paladin class more than any other. WC3 paladin had resurrection. We have the pvp talent that let us CR but it is very impractical and ofc pvp only.
  2. Ret spec really needs to bring more to the table in Mythic+ dungeons. Never seen a “LF ret m+”. We have some buffs and healing but nothing special.
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honestly I think this could actually be a good idea, a nice example of paladins as a hybrid support class.
Combat resurrection is a very, very, very powerfull spell and under a lore prospective I would argue that paladins and priests should deserve it more than druids.

Despite that, let’s see it in pratcice:

What are the main problem for ret paladins today (in PvE, since CR can not be used in pvp)?

  1. low mobility
  2. average dps
  3. no valid support spell (when compared to other classes paladin’s utilities fall apart, just think to a DH AoE defense spell. R Paladin can only BoP once every 5 mins at the cost of preventing the affected player from using phisical abilites (EDIT: as stated from a comment below this is wrong, i just got confused since i’ve been playing classic for the last months), use freedom once every 20 secs, which is not so usefull in pve, expecially if there is any other class in your party with a magic dispell. The only really strong support spell we have is LoH, wich only affect 1 player,can be used once every 10 mins, and is pretty useless if you have a good healer.).

How to fix it?

  1. Low mobility is a god damn problem for a melee class, since it means that we need more time to run out of problem and/or to get back to combat. Can give us a cr fix thix this? no

  2. Average Dps: as for me, i think it’s ok to have an average dps for an hybrid class. I do accept it. BUT only if we can bring valid utilities to our party (ofc i would’nt complain about receving some dps buff). In the end to fix the problem n.2 we would need either a dps buff or to fix problem N. 3

  3. No valid support spell. As i said we have some of the most powerfull utilities in the game, but they are either useless or not valid enough. Today, in a raid or m+ group, valid utilities are cr, AoE defensive/offesnive buff spells, AoE stun, party buffs and invisibility. We have none of these. Bringing a Ret paladin into your raid or M+ group means preventing you from taking a stronger dps, or a cr class or any other class with better utilities. we even no longer have party buffs! (just 2 st buffs, also pretty useless).
    Giving Rpaladin a cr would greatly fix this point (although i think we would also need something more, like some group buff to increase overall dps/health res/mana rec) and so, also point n.2

In short give ret paladins a cr will help to fix 2 of their 3 main problems.

Speaking of PvP it should not be of any problem since in rated pvp cr is blocked (aswell as LoH), and in arena our utilities are more than enough. Actually in pvp we have only problem n. 1, the other 2 points are ok in pvp.

How it could work?

Option 1 (if Shadowland will keep Holy Power)
10 mins CD, cost 5 HP and instant cast. Bring a player back to life with x% life and x% mana. also makes him immune to dmg for 2 secs.

i think that it should somehow feel expensive to cast it, in terms of dps lost, and 5 hp should be enough to give you that feeling. cast is instant becouse you will probably loose enough time building the required HP.

Option 2 (if HP will finally be removed in shadowlands)
10 mins CD, 60/70% of base mana and 1.5/2 sec to cast
Brings back to life a player with x% life and x% mana. Also makes him immune to dmg for 2 secs.
Mana cost should be enough to feel somehow expensive and since ret paladins are a melee class and will usually be near the boss, i think that 1.5/2 sec cast is more than enough, otherwise they could fell into boss mecanics, while still being a huge dps lost and a risky move.

Both option should have a 1 min forbereance debuff effect.

Paladin class spell or Ret spec only spell?

It would be a nice class spell, however in terms of balancing, Holy paladins totally do not need it, it would make em to much powerfull in M+ (and also in raids).
Protection i don’t know maybe yes, maybe not.

Definitly a ret only spell, maybe prot + ret, but not holy. It could be given as a base spell OR as a talent.
I would also agree to have it as a talent choice replacing LoH for a Combat res (this would be great since it would let us make a choice and keep the system balanced).

Raid balancing?

I do not think this is a problem, instead this will help ret paladin to feel like a nice choice to have in your raid instead that a lost. Today mythic raid group can bring around 5 melee classes. of this 5 paladin bring good burst dps but average overall dps, and not much utilities. So again it can be nice to bring a cr.
Also CR cd is shared, so having 1 more player with a cr will likely not be a real balancing problem during boss fight.
Little example:
With my guild ,during mythic fights, problem was usually not a lack of cr due to a lack of cr-capable classes, while a lack of cr due to em be all on cd since once any1 uses it every1 get it into cd. I must admit that i’m not sure about this last statement, so i can be wrong.

Overall give ret pally a cr can actually be a good idea in pve while also NOT being a balance problem in pvp.

Let me know your opinion on that and thanks for reading this very,very long post

P.S. As stated from another player in a comment below, i wrongly said that BoP applies a melee debuff. I repeat that it was just a little confusion due to being playing classic for the last months. I apologies with you guys, and i really hope this will not prevent you from reading this post and evaluate it honestly.
I still thank Stormenson for his comment and every1, but i also ask you all to be a little more quiet in the comments. People can make mistakes.

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man seriously you spend so much time writing a huge text in forums but you dont know that
BOP no longer prevents player from using mellee attacks?
And you come here to give advice on how to fix ret paladin , what a joke
Do you know that divine shield no longer increase time between attacks or you havent checked that either?

Problem is you guys and alot of people in community as a whole are min/maxing out of their own level.

Until you start pushing for the top top mythic+ rankings, every spec is viable and perfectly fine.

Every spec, given equal skill/gear, can also out dps one another.

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There is absolutely no problem to get invited to PUGs with any spec, and you dont need “INSANE” raider io-score to get invited.

You are minmaxing out of your level, as so many other in this community. I main a ret and i have no problem with getting into PUGs up to +15

I dont have a insane io score at all, the highest i have cleared on time are some +15, and then its mostly +10-14 and even a couple of +9 in mechagon.

If you are not pushing for competing among the worlds best in m+ this is totally irelevant, as any spec is viable until that, any composition, and any spec can out dps one another given equal gear/skill.

So far, but storm is coming.
I saw with my eyes yesterday a pug group for a 13 looking for a tank with twilight devastation.

Corruption is the new rogue. Never underestimate the pugs.


[Unstable Temporal Time Shifter]

There you go, now you have CR

This is how i get it on holy palla :ok_hand:

Corruption is another story, but it doesnt mean that you as a ret or someone else as something else wont be invited because of spec, but rather to not having this or that corruption effect.

No one ever thinks that way. '“We are doing a low level* mythic+ lets give underperforming specs a chance”. And also it might be a low level dungeon for you but for lower geared/skilled players that’s their endgame. If a DH is better than ret in top gear/skill level there is a good chance a mid level DH is better than a mid level ret.

To stay on topic please anwser these questions

  1. Do you think ret has enough utility to be considered a good choice for dungeons?
  2. Would giving ret a CR solve this problem?

Groups could still just bring a Warlock instead… :confused: I’d rather be more solid overall than bring just 1 big thing to the group that can be provided by other classes as well.

I’m not familiar with Retri enough, but it seems it’s quite the underdog these days. There seems to be no reason to bring one instead of a Monk, or Mage, or Hunter, or oh wait, yeah, göddamn DH.

I’d rather have overall class balance than a 10-min cd combat res.

Prot pala is awesome though.

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