Suggestion: Improving secondary stat choice on Tier sets via the Expansion Catalyst

there was no quality of life in 2010…

Dude, it isn’t a “small gain” when my crit rate for example drops by 8-10% because I am forced to use stats I don’t want to use.

Or my damage drop by 5-6% due to Mastery (Retribution) losing that amount due to being forced to use stats I don’t want to use.

Same for Haste.

I literally did the math earlier in this topic.

Right now, due to all my Stats I have for example 50% crit chance on Retribution. 40-42% with different stats would still be “good enough”, but we are talking about min-maxing your secondary Stats WHILE using the Tier set. What is wrong with giving people options on an item set the Devs WANT YOU to use, considering it drops like Candy these days from the Vault and us having the Catalyst???

WoW also has right now no depth. Don’t be so stuck in your illusion. There is “the meta” and then there are all the weaker options.

Actual depth looks like everything is useful enough in the overall combat scenaro and is excelling in its specific areas. That’s depth, not “during XY Season YZ Tier set with pre-determined Z0 Stats is the best and everything else is either inferior or outright useless”.

But we don’t even have that. We have “Season XY Tier Set has YZ stats, you get no say in this and YOU WILL like it” from Blizzard, which is even worse in mentality.

Imagine running a shop and when a customer comes in, asking about a product you actively try to convince them that the worse version of the product is the “better one”, despite the customer knowing that. That’s what Blizzard is doing, that’s what folks like you are parroting.

And yet it was more popular because people actually had to interact with the game and its design due to more complex stat and gameplay systems, instead of just “use XY Loadout code from YZ website like WoWHead/Icy-Veins/etc. and faceroll the stuff with spamming abilities”.

Some People these days can’t even manage to make an own group for M+ without picking the wrong classes to dispel/counter affixes or even play their role right.

And other people have such a snobby attitude that they think it’s not their responsibility to help the group by sacrificing their damage meter position and running buffs to prevent the affix from debuffing the entire group/raid.

WoW not only has a systems issue with systems being outdated, lazy designed or outright bad/overcomplicated. But it also has a bigger Community Ego issue where people are toxic, unhelpful, trolling and intentionally trying to ruin other peoples fun just out of spite.

As I said, WoW has many issues that need addressing before the game can become anywhere as good as it once was in the eyes of the players.

Every improvement starts small and my suggestion is merely a QoL suggestion, like allowing Dynamic Flight to work on old Continents.

I imagine that loss is from breaking your set due to being stubborn.

Stop pulling “math” out of thin air, for ret stats are pretty close. Crit is nice but more desirable with augery, vers is pretty much king, haste is less weighted on sims once you get around 33% or more and mastery is just there being mastery. If i sim myself all of these stats get choosen until certain points and i can bet that if my set pieces had no mastery it’d want me to gem a bit to make up for the loss.

OK this is my last reply as it’s pointless, you clearly don’t understand what consistency means: you lose dps chosing the stats you want not the other way around using the stats “being forced to use”.

let alone all the other nonsense you argue about: QoL being better and you bring up WotLK where life was still hard (not as it was in tbc or vanilla), WoW has no depth then you say overcomplicated and then just to add something more to the pot the issue is the community, bro make up your mind and chose a way… have fun with your full crit paladin but don’t qq on forums…
do whatever you want but be happy with it.

And remove the diminishing return of stats too that makes no sense.

That “math” is based on every UI element and calculation the player can see from just playing the game and looking at the tooltips. None of that is imaginary thinking.

This is literally the reason why PvP for example sucks. The stat is just too useful there. You literally can’t play PvP with having versatility as your prioritized second stat and 2 trinkets to remove CC effects. And people wonder why most players avoid PvP like the black plague itself…

So basically, your simulations are biased, got it.

In Retributions case literally being a “buffs all your holy damage by X%” which means every ability does said X% more damage.

Literally BS. When I play a certain way and I have to use stats that deviate from the gameplay experience I prefer with crit/mastery, my preferred gameplay experience literally becomes inconsistent.

Oh, so I guess having Crests in Dragonflight and other currencies in Shadowlands like Anima cramping up your inventory weren’t inconvenient and overcomplicated designed to the point Blizzard actually did allow players to delete Anima currencies from their inventory and moving the Crests this Season to the Currency Inventory, instead of the regular one. I guess those issues “never existed”. :thinking:

And WoWs community being known for being toxic, especially in Endgame Activities is basically a meme at this point. You really have to live under a rock to not know this. Almost every gaming magazine website and ranking puts WoW among the Top 10 with placement 8 as the only MMORPG with the most toxic community. :roll_eyes:

Honestly, I feel like the only real nonsense going on here is you trying to argue. :wink:

Tell me you don’t know what diminishing returns is without tell me you don’t know what diminishing returns is.

Also vers isn’t just pvp, its literally BiS for ret paladin, mastery is the worst stat.

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What even is this argument??

First of, you didn’t mentioned DRs so I couldn’t even possibly guess you meant that.

Second, having default Haste stats shouldn’t be affect by DR in general, only buffs from skills depending on Class.

See, that’s the issue. Versatility is basically the best stat, rendering every other stat almost obsolete, at least on Paladin (by your statement).

How again is that “good stat system depth” when one stat is basically “the one” and every other is exceedingly useless compared to it?

The argument/point made by me is basically “how comes that a game in a ‘worse’ state was more popular back then than the same game in a ‘better’ state today?”

WoW back then may had it’s flaws, granted. But the skill systems were a lot better back then, the gear and stat systems too. It’s just a matter of fact people these days hate to do math, think on their own and in general have to use their brain on average to get something done. There’s a reason attention spans dropped over the last 2 decades for youths.

damn me i’m replaying again but I promise last time I do… you are talking about yourself there: not using your brain = clearly your dunno why, how and when stats are needed nor you trust who do test this stuff to give you a bis list and stats prio (which AGAIN you are not forced to follow as i guess you are noway doing any endgame pve/pvp stuff…) and unable of making math… do you know what simulation is?? have you tried to simulate your character with gear and stats? you would find (but ofc you would not accept it) what your character needs (and simulating stats prio is not even advised), it’s been a thing since ever even in your loved WotLK…

  1. I never played WoW before BfA S2.
  2. I don’t have to simulate my gear and stuff because I am NOT doing any major Endgame in WoW constantly. I play for fun, not for min/maxing. The game is playable without min/maxing, believe it or not.

you are just a troll for yourself xD

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