Suggestion: Make Fel Barrage baseline

I’ve yet to see proper new abilities to spice up our dull rotation.

My expactations are low so… Judging by the overall changes I think they won’t bother to change anything and it’s sad.

That’s why we gotta’ keep calling them out on it. Reddit, WoW Forums.

It’s unacceptable how dumb and dull our rotation is. A lot of talents are also in dead rows where they will never be picked. Stuff like Fel Barrage, Momentum, Demonic Appetite. They should be baseline.


heavy nerfs are being made to satisfy loud minority of other classes played by noobs. Not newbies, noobs.

In most cases DH can be killed similarly easy or even easier than other classes. Interrupt eyebeam, stun meta, step out or heal out Death from Above, slow/stun/daze the heck out of them - and they go down waaay easier than many other classes.

I often hear “DH has INCREDIBLE/RIDICULOUS dps!!11!!one!!!” yeah. At first. Right after that it is most often easily surpassed by other classes in longer fights.

It is really incredible that they nerf DHs to the ground ;-/ really sad about it, as I truly like it for the animations and flow of our base skills.

They should stick with what we have, throw some small buffs to some other classes, add a skill or two to us - perfect, we would have a lot more happy players that way.

Ret pala is standing strong, fury warrior and bm hunter - nerf the s… out of them too while you at it… Omg. Such thinking is wrong at the beginning. I do hope they WILL change their mind about those nerfs…

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Doesn’t look like they are. We seem to keep most of our toys from BFA and get Mortal Strike. I’m okay with it. Still wish we had more buttons though.

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