Suggestion: Make the entire world scale


This is my second account after I deleted my original account (dont ask okay) and there’s nothing more I enjoy doing than old content like farming rep from previous expansions and doing raids for transmog and mounts and it got me thinking.

I may be the only one to feel this way but i think it would be really good if the entire world scaled to your level no matter what level you are. As it currently stands at the moment as soon as you hit 50 Blizzard pushes you to do Shadowlands content and the world before that is basically one shotting mobs

Say for example you are missing some MOP rep factions for achievements or you want that pet from TB dailies, then having the mobs at your level would bring a little more enjoyment out of farming the old stuff no?

Anyway thats what i think
Feel free to voice your opinion

EDIT: It could be an OPTIONAL feature

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Thank you all for your amazing input

Simple solution: Don’t talk with Chromie to choose a “leveling zone” and actually it lists that if you do this you’d go to Shadowlands. So, seeing as this feature is nothing but Blizzard hand-holding and forcing how to play on me I decided to ignore it on every character I got. Good gold income if not doing it at level by adjusting your level to a chosen leveling zone. I choose rather than Blizzard chooses how I play and as long as I don’t break any of their rules they cannot stop me playing this game my way… :slight_smile:

If the whole world scaled to your level what would be the point of levelling ?

A far better option IMO would be to enable the player to scale with the world.

Some games do this and I 100% prefer it over the way we have it now.
Makes actually doing old content feel relevant and challenging.
Downside is though that it kind of screws over old content farming.

Hence why i said this

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