Suggestion on fixing warmode and sharding raids

Make people in raids remain in their original shards if they aren’t around a world boss or in front of a raid entrance or inside a city. A group of 5 spawning 35 people in 10 seconds after getting killed is not how pvp should look like. Will also fix the nazjatar pvp event by not creating a crazy imbalance in 10 seconds.

I don’t care who wins it, I don’t care If odds are 30 to 60, I don’t want a 40 man raid spawning on my bumbum. With added flying those cramped zones get dominated by huge raids swooping from the sky. There can be no real world pvp in 40 man raids swooping from the sky. They will never engage each other, instead just fly around to different flags killing stragglers.

Two of my friends got locked in a cave by a 40 man raid and took 20 minutes to get to stormwind to switch it off because a horde raid was also camping the graveyard, pvp event wasn’t active, so even running away with ress sickness was hard. Stuff like that never happened on pvp servers.

Countering those raids is not feasible. You can win even 2vs6, with clever use of knockbacks and cc and npcs but you can’t win 20vs40 in the same place. Current sharding, lfg and warmode simply do not mix.

I played in warmode since the start of this expansion, never switched it off, till yesterday. I fought many losing battles but a 40 man flying raid that corpse camps people at pet quests and calls out people respawning is too much.

LFG raids are ruining both sharding and warmode.


We need cross shard raids to be able to compete in nazjatar event. Can’t rely on your own shard’s players. One side could be motivated and the other not. With lfg both sides have equal opportunity to win, as it should be.

No, your opportunity to win is 100% if you join a raid group with “nazjatar winning” in title. Shards are naturally balanced and you ruin that balance. If your shard isn’t motivated then it’s it’s own problem and it should lose. There is no fighting, just 40 man farming and everybody bails a shard with a 40 man enemy raid in it. This is PVP done by people who only care about world quests.

Nazjatar is a competition, it’s about winning, and both sides in your current shard having equal opportunity to win at the start. Relying on the whims of the shards current pop is not equal opportunity. An lfg raid is.

If players want to win by joining a ‘winning’ raid, that’s their choice. Their motivation. They don’t care about competition, fine. But others do, and want a real win.

A raid is all about domination, that’s the whole point. Fighting happens, but the strat is to overwhelm. If opponent also has a raid, there can be a fight. But winning is all that matters. In a bg, I don’t think… oh, that was a nice fight. I think, oh… that was a nice win.

This approach is exactly what makes nazjatar pvp garbage. You don’t want to fight, you want to roll over your opponent. This is exactly what Blizzard should fight, because it might be fun for you, but it’s destroying gameplay. You either win or you quit. That’s why nazjatar event is over as soon as its 50 to 100.

The objective is to win fast. There is no other objective in the event. It’s open world, but concept is same as a bg.

When you play Arathi Basin, do you play to fight? Or play to win. If your answer is to fight, you do not understand objective based gameplay. Nazjatar is just an open world unqueued variable balance bg.

In a bg, those not there to win are what’s known as ‘mid fighters’. A term of derision. They are more interested in fighting than objectives, and often cause the match to be lost.

When I lead a Nazjatar raid, I keep my map open and watch for these mid fighters. Kick, replace with a potential team player. They were probably having a great fight… no where near a flag! Objectives!

How many mid fighters are in an unorganized BG? Over 50%. Do you think your leadership wins a nazjatar raid? Have you ever encountered any resistance? I fight to win against an opponent who can fight back. You sound like you would have the most fun if there were no opponents at all in your battlegrounds.

Nope, as with a random bg, it’s pure luck of the draw if you have a team that works together. If there is someone prodding people to stay at flag, it can help tho.

I am happy if equal chance at the start. In a bg we have forced equal numbers. In Nazjatar, battle only starts if equal numbers. I like a competition, and without opponents there is none.

After it starts, it’s about which side is most organized and succeeded in recruiting enough defenders for the battle. There’s often resistance at the begining. That makes or breaks the match. Win some lose some. Disorganized or too small a team = lose. Simple.

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