Suggestion: Raise sign-up limit in Group Finder (for dungeons)

Dear Blizzard,

Thank you for a lot of entertainment throughout the years!
But pugging M+ dungeons is such a timekiller, as you tend to spend a lot more time getting into a dungeon, other than actually playing it.

This is for various reasons, meta comps. within the community and etc.

But one thing that could HELP, if that we as individual players could sign-up for more than just 5 dungeons at the time.

Please raise this single integer somewhere in your code!
10 would be huge!

Best regards


They literally removed depletion (or so I understood).

You got ZERO excuses for running your own key. So do it.

I have my reasons to play the game as I want to play it. So I dont know what you are on about.

Also, dont just make sh!t up and comment in a forum thread. Lets focus on what actually facts and how the world is, lmao.

If you want to play the game backwards with a reversed mouse be my guest. Nobody stops you.

Dont complain later for the lack of performance… And especially dont blame anyone but yourself.

Do you have any real arguments that oppose my suggestion, or will you just continue to make weird delusional stuff up?

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Yes. This is my suggestion :

Run your own key.

the 5 queues limit is a pain in the but when you want to for example farm loot for priory and motherloade but leader leave you in a queue for 3+ mins its time the cap is raised

why would i waste 1 hr of my time running my key when i need nothing form that key only to get another key that i need nothing from then do that 1 as well only to get the dame key i started with, 2 hrs wasted (inc grp building) wijth nothing to show for it.

also i got a floodgate 10 atm none of the healers i know like it, so why would i do my own key when i wont be able to form a premade grp and pugs dont respect the weekly tag on the grp browser listing?

You need a 10 for vault, or to farm gear? Take a decision. Downgrade it to 7 if gear is what you want.

That is M+ for you.

What do you prefer? Weekly lockouts like Raids? You prefer to be limited to 11 crest/week and 4 bountifull delves per week only? Or do you prefer even more RNG?

Take your pick. Because you cannot seriously imply that in 2h you got “something to show for it”.

That would mean that by playing a grand total of 20h, which is ~ 10 days of gametime at 2h per day… you would have a full hero 1/6 toon. So if you play casually, in 10 days from the patch launch, your are done gearing. OVER.

And if you play a bit more than a casual, in 1 week (or less even) you are full hero gear.

Does this sound reasonable to you? It dosent to me!

Therefore, instead of weekly lockouts (like raids) you have to choose:

(A) waste your time looking for groups in LFG. So 3h looking for a 40 min dungeon…
(B) waste your time playing your own key. Over and over again. Untill you finally get your gear.

What is important is that you waste your time. Because its a game. Thats the point of all of this.

If the leader has not accepted you in 2 min more or less, you abandon the quew yourself. Quew for anotherone. Dont sit there for 5 min waiting.

Its a suggestion.

If you ran your own keys, you would know why.

what id prefer is the ability ro swap my key at will so i could do something more usefull

Yeah well I also want to get 1000g per dungeon to pay for all the consumables/repairs.
I also want no depletes.
I also want Myth track gear to drop.
I also want the Raid cantrip gear and “special raid items” to drop in M+

And while all that would be cool. I also understand their purpose.

So if I want them changed, I have to alteast propose an alternative that would acheive the same purpose.

Unlike this:

Which sounds more like whining and a true suggestion.

you cant sit there and tell me ppl wouldn’t be willing to build a grp for their own key if their key wasn’t something that was useful to them

I am sitting here saying that you should just play M+. As intended by Blizz.

Play keys. And in time, you will have all the gear you want. Guaranteed.

What you are trying to do is “swim against the current” by targeting specific loot items. And you are shooting youself in the foot in the process.

So YES. Build a grp to do the dungeon you have in your key. Like it or not, blizzard made M+ for you to enjoy playing dungeons. Not as a “hoop” you have to jump to farm gear.

if every1 did their own key very few ppl would get anything done as there arent enough tanks and healers to meet the grp quota

sadly thats all i see m+ as “a hoop to jump through to get gear” as for my key i dont like floodgate not many ppl seem to, now if i could swap my key w/o having doing another id do my own key but i cant so i kinda have a problem other than dropping it right down to a point where the dungeon wont be a issue. (and yes i know ill need to time it on a 10 for score and vault which btw is my key).

The Tank and Healer quota remains the same. So from that point of view, the number of keys done would remain the same. Independently of how many key-holders there are.

What does change for DDs is doing their key or not. Because YOU choose who you invite. You dont wait in the quew like all other DDs.

Think of it this way: You go from being 1 nobody inside a crowd of many DDs hoping to get chosen by a guy in a balcony. To being the guy in the balcony looking at that croud and picking who you want with a finger.

Sure. You wont time all the keys you do. Some PuGs can be annoying. But at-least you play. And you don’t sit in Donorgal queuing for keys. Eventually, you will get all the gear you want. All the score you want.

And most importantly, you will acquire experience on what things to look for when you are recruiting people. How much rio, ilvl, raider IO, wow logs, even the server names… all give information on how likely that person is going to be at timing your key.

Once you know that information, the day you decide to get on a quew you know exactly what people are looking for in a DD. And you will be chosen first over the other 200 plebs in the quew.

Healers and Tanks get to cherry pick what key they go to. Only because its an “on demand” roll. And with the perks of being the “special snowflake” you have extra responsibilities to acheive. Which is a fair trade IMO.

Either way. M+ is a game-mode designed to be played in volume. You have to do many keys. That’s the whole point. Most of the keys you do will be depletes. Most of the keys you do will not give you score at all. And most of the keys you do wont give you any gear either. But if you do many of them, after some weeks you will notice that your Rio went up and your gear is high.

Yes. Very sad to see you swim against the current.

If I may ask: Gear for WHAT exactly? :slight_smile: Just collecting pixel mittens or you intend on improving performance in Raid?

No you dont.

You still get score if you overtime. And most importantly, it shows that you did it on 10.

As for vault, no again. You dont need to time it. You need to complete it. That is the only requirement.

to raid hc and mythic in my guild i’ve see the very toxic side of m+ and that turned me off if the gear wasnt neccessary for raiding id stay away from it

Well it is a grind for you after all. And just like any grinds, they are always annoying.

I remember when I used to raid, I spent hours farming for gold and materials for consumables. Really annoying.

But its what needs to be done to raid semi-seriously. Happy grinding.

All I’m asking for is a quality of life thing, where a simple number is changed. But you seem to eat the dick in the salad, and dont care about quality in your life. Thats completely on you.

Your arguments are some of the most delusional BS I’ve read in a long time.

Its you, you and always you.

Every change you suggest affects us all. And 1 small number multiplied by thousands of people has a different effect.

Right now, there is a 5 quew limitation. And if you run your own key you will have a list of atleast 40 DD application. If you change it to 6 who knows how many applications.

You know what that means? It means that if you were the last pleb out of 40, now you will be the last pleb out of 100. Your chances of being invited will be far less.

And then the key-holder will be overwhelmed with applicants. So much so that he wont be able to look at them all and choose according to some metrics. He will simply order them by RIO and choose the one on top.

If you did your own keys, you should know this stuff. And could imagine it yourself.

You call that Delusional? :slight_smile: I call that knowing what 1+1 equals to.