God no! I have it as a macro, so I can cough up huge chunky balls of phlegmy hatred and launch them at Hordies. I’d be simply lost without it.
Might as well remove /laugh and /boop by that logic or chat, or even the game.
emote both in and cross faction and it is my honest opinion this has no benefit for the community or fostering cohesive communities within the game.
This is actually hilarious.
The /spit macro is an essential core gameplay for the people who play pandaren (horde & alliance) or blood elf to experience. Keep it in the game.
Before I forget! /spit on you creator of the thread blood elf.
Why are people so fragile nowadays.
I would love see these people send to 30 years past into a world where I grew up.
I would bet they would have meltdown just by watching TV in 80’s and 90’s
I have a weakaura that auto/spits on those using the “Eating nam nam” weakaura. Don’t you dare take this ability away from me.
Getting /spit on while depressed only worsen my depression, so it is not a good thing to have.
While a good reason in itself, I think another better question would be: on what occasions /spit, /rude, etc are used which are not directly linked to being a jerk to another player ?
It’s fine.
And even if Blizz did get rid of it players would just use the aoe spit function.
It’s like this:
/e has spit on you.
And he will spit on everyone instead.
And even if Blizz did get rid of it players would just use the aoe spit function.
It’s like this:
/e has spit on you.And he will spit on everyone instead.
Small correction, it would only spit on people of your own faction.
For the other faction it will show up as: “Rayzens makes a strange gesture”. Unless of course, people of the other faction has the Elixir of tongues.
I have an AoE tickle macro that I use regularly xp
And now that very disturbing mental image just became reality. Why did I have to take a look, why? Now this gif is forever imprinted on my mind…
my work is done for the day.
Another defiling image claims a soul!
Someone really should take away your TL3 rights, Souldefiler. You cause too much irreparable damage
It’s up for sale if anyone wants it. Starting bid at 5 million gold.
I think that’s not a bad idea. People could still use a /emote to do it but at least it wouldn’t be considered a normal, standard or acceptable thing to do.
Stetinvm spits on you
How dare you
Hahahah wtf
i smell some karen here
Hahahah wtf
i smell some karen here
then perhaps you should go shower you filthy orc. Here. Stand still.
have you thought about that for a second? You remove /spit in game and what do the people do then? they have to /spit irl so no thanks