Suggestion: remove /Spit emote

We need more emotes not less.


So what? I have some increased saliva production in my mouth and you want to take away my ability to secrete it?

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No, then how else could I show my disgust to the paladin/mage players in pvp?

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So you join a special way to play the game. They think you are like them, you know someone who like to pvp and play like this. They attack you and then you with your friends gank him and /spit on him for doing what he supposed to do in wm and expected the same mentality from you too because there is no reason to turn it on if you don’t like it. You expect the players who turn on the warmode to be peaceful to you, in a pvp mode which you can turn off if you don’t like it.
You can’t be this stupid.

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Ryosun pees on your backpack. You deserved it, we know.


As a response to nasty emotes I usually have my character yawn.

Experience has shown many people get bored if you don’t appear to care at all.

I spit on you!




[The community is not behind you on this]


I like this emote though. When I farm Horde in WM or hinder them on WQs in WM off and I get /spit or /clap that proves that I do the thing right.

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No it’s mine favorite one.

And using add-ons to make me say “I’m a retail/classic player N word” when I kill someone in pvp.

Yes I can see that it elicits a passionate riposte from many here. Which is fine after all this is a forum from the latin word forus, which interestingly meant open area with “sign” :joy:.

But that is what forums are for, to communicate and share ideas, the community may not agree with me and I do like reading the many diverse ways in which people are using this emote.

As for those who continually harangue and personally insult me on this thread, I don’t really care.

I will say this however, being someone who is a mental health professional, we are in very challenging times because people are not only physically distant but also socially distant.

A lot of people who play online games do so as a way to socially engage with other humans, human to human contact is not only one of the fundamental human needs as theorised by Maslow, Dr. Gega of York University goes further to say that in these difficult times many use the internet and specifically video games to help have that necessary human to human contact.

Human beings are wonderful creatures and come with their own unique perspectives and apprehensions, there are many people with social anxiety or interpersonal difficulties who use the internet as tool to rehearse social skills in a variety of virtual social scenarios.

The point I am trying to emphasise here is, no one knows what demons someone else is fighting, many people are alone and isolated from friends and loved ones, so the cost of being kind is nothing, but that kindness goes a long way.


Because /spit ingame can be taken oh so personaly grow up snowflake :smiley:

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Thank you for your valuable contribution.

Mostly is sore losers. My alt got spit on by a rogue. He/she tried to kill Jeron in Ashran and i kept healing him. A whole block of x spits on you, because i outhealed his/her damage output.

I just shrug and leave it at that. It’s an emote, not the real thing.


blah, blah, blah


No please, I need to spit the multiboxer druids


Back in Legion there was a gnome mage in one of the free for all PvP quests who had laugh, spit, rude etc etc all macroed into his abilities. It’s clearly done to wind people up but I just don’t care.

In general I’m not a fan of people macro-ing yells and stuff into their abilities. In raids it gets obnoxious really quickly.

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Eject not secrete lol…

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Oookay, that one gave me very… very disturbing mental image

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It seems someone was used like Spittoon :smiley: and now QQ for removing :smiley: